Meeting the parents

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Dinner is really nice, I tell them about my life, football and my childhood and they tell me about their lives and Leah, ofcourse. Its cute to see how close Leah her family is 'Leah remember that one time-' Jacob starts but Leah cuts him off instantly 'No Jacob no' she says stern apperantly already knowing what he is regeferring to 'Don't listen to her Jacob tell me' I put my hand over Leah her mouth so she can't cut him off again. 'So Leah has been an Arsenal supporter ever since she was little' I nod already knowing this 'One Christmas me and my dad wanted to prank Leah so we brought her a Spurs kit, and well she didn't take the joke to well so she spent the rest off Christmas morning angry in her room having North London Forever by Louis Dunford blasting through her speakers. She didn't even wanted to bake cookies with me and dad' I couldn't hold my laughter in, this girl is the definition of an hardcore Arsenal fan. Leah face has the same colour as the tomatos on her plate 'Haha, Leah thats hilarious' I say still laughing 'Yeah, we get it its funny' She hits Jacob his arm and says 'Didn't have to out me like that, asshole' 'Leah language' Amanda says sternly from the kitchen.

We are on the couch watching the news, Leah is in between my legs with her back on my chest 'Leah, could you maybe stand up. I have something for your parents' I whisper in her ear 'You brought gifts?' She asks suprised 'Yeah?' Shit what if they don't like them, maybe I shouldn't give them and just take them home with me 'Thats so sweet' Leah stands up, I walk into the hallway and grab my bagpack. 'So I bought you all something as a thank you for letting me stay here' I hand each of them their gift and go sit back down next to Leah, she directly cuddles back 'Y/n, you really didn't need to do this but thank you' Amanda says after opening her gift 'Thanks mate! I wanted to buy this one' Jacob says giving me a fist bump 'Its nothing really, I am having the best time' I say giving them all a smile 'This will do, thanks y/n' David says holding the bottle in the air. We chat some more until I see Leah yawning 'I think its time for us to go to bed, thanks for dinner again Amanda it was delicious' 'No problem honey' I hug her good night and me and Leah walk upstairs, we brush our teeths and put our pjs on.
'Thanks Y/n' Leah says when were cuddeld up in bed 'No problem Leah, it was lovely to meet your parents and brother' I tell her and give her a kiss on her lips. Not much later we both fall asleep.

I wake up and it is still dark outside, I grab my phone 3:30 am fucking hell. I try to get back to sleep but I can't. I decide to get out of bed for a glass of water without waking Leah up but I fail, she groans 'Where are you going?' 'Just getting a glass of water, go back to sleep Le' I give her kiss on the head, putting the blanket over her again and leave the room. I walk into the kitchen looking through the cupboards for a glass '2 more to your left' someone behind me says, I jump and turn around 'Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare you' Amanda chuckles lightly 'It's no problem, did I wake you up?' I ask concerend 'No no honey don't worry, I was awake already, bad sleeper' I walk towards the cupboard Amanda told me and fill the glass 'Why are you awake?' Amanda asks curious 'I couldn't sleep anymore, thinking to much I guess' I tell her honestly. Amanda is a great person, I have only known her for 12 hours but I feel like I can tell her anything. 'How are things with you and Leah?' She asks 'Good I think.. well I don't know exactly, we are more then friends but not girlfriends, so dating?' I say carefull, she is still Leah her mom 'She likes you, a lot. I can see it when she looks and talks about you' I choke on my water 'Really?' I ask scratching the back off my neck, Now this are becoming very real very quick. 'Yes really, she may not admit it herself but I am her mother, I see and know these things' I chuckle 'I don't know Amanda, I like your daughter too but I have never been good at this, I hurt people' I look down at the floor 'Y/n, describe Leah to me' I hesitate for a second 'She is... Leah is sweet, caring, funny, bit stubborn and messy sometimes' Amanda chuckles at that 'And god, she is absolutly stunning, I have never seen someone so pretty and her eyes I get lost in them, she- she is different' It stays silent Shit have I said the wrong things, I fucked up. 'Then thats what you should be too, be different, be different for Leah. I know you will take care off her' Amanda says finally 'Dont worry Amanda I will take care off Leah, girlfriend or not she stays special. I promise' I give Amanda a reassuring smile and she pulls me into a hug 'You know, you are the first she brings here before being in a relationship, hell Jordan came her for the first time after 5 months. She thinks you are different too, I promise'. We both go back to bed, it feels like a weight have been lifted off my shoulders. I cuddle back into Leah and whisper in her ear 'Your different Le, I will take care off you no mather what. I promise you' She groans in response but I don't think she heard it.

The next morning I was woken up by kisses being giving all over my face, without opening my eyes I say 'Hi you, had a good sleep?' 'Yes, I did but I like us awake better' Leah says. She starts to kiss my lips and I roll her on top of me 'Mmm, I definitly like us awake too' I say smiling. We got dressed and walked downstairs, Amanda had cooked breakfast, which was delicious. But now its time for us to drive back because our off days are almost over and Leah and I want to have some more alone time (iykyk 😉). I thanked David and Jacob who were sitting in the living room and walked outside to Leah and Amanda, they were hugging and when I arrived Leah was already walking towards my car. I gave Amanda a hug 'Ask her y/n, she would want nothing more' Amanda says in my ear 'I will Amanda, but I want it to be perfect, that is what she deserves' I reassure her.

A/N: OMG!! England won from The Netherlands, what a crazy comeback. 3-2. Paris 2024 is still possible.

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