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They are not okay.

Zee and Nunew are not okay.

It has been two weeks already but the two of them still didnt made any effort to breathe on their own. The doctors are already questioning if they will ever wake up. Their brain scans are all normal. It just seem like they dont want to wake up.

They were transferred to bangkok from chiang mai and was put into the care of specialists who do their rounds everyday. They did every single test and scans but they just dont see any specific reason why they wouldnt breathe on their own yet. They've been on respirators way too long and the doctors are afraid they may not be able to breathe on their own now.

The doctors have already given them the honest talk about turning off the machines but the family refused to do so. They are not giving up. Everyday their friends and families would always visit them. Their flower vases would always be changed. There is always food in their rooms just in case they open their eyes and they get hungry. They will not let Zee and Nunew go that easy.

One day though, they get a dreadful call that they dont want to ever get. Both Zee and Nunew went into a cardiac arrest. Oddly enough, both of their hearts stopped beating almost at the same time. The doctors and nurses managed to bring them back but they dont know if their bodies would take another hit. They've been through a lot and there is only so much a human body can endure.

The doctors talked to the whole family.

"We are unsure of their prognosis at this point. Yes we manage to save them but another code would take a serious hit in their heart. Their lungs are still unable to function on their own. If their heart stopped beating again, it would seriously damage their brains and could leave them brain dead. We highly advice you to discuss what you want to do next. You may also want to arrange things for their funeral services if things go really bad in the next attack" The ward doctor told them

"No we will not give up. We have all the money in the world. We can wait until forever for the two of them. If you dont want them here we'll transfef them somewhere else where they have patience to wait" Pornthip stood her ground

"It's not that we dont want to wait Mrs Perdpiriyawong. It's just that we dont know how much their body can take. If you want to let them go dignified, this is the right time to do so. " The senior doctor told them

"We will let go without a fight Doctor. My sons didnt so why should we. This is our decision. If you dont have anything else to say, then we'll just see you tomorrow" Malee sternly told them. The doctors then left the waiting room.

Net encouraged Malee to sit down again.

"How dare they tell us to give up now" James angrily says

"We should just transfer them" Max said

"The other hospitals would just say the same thing" Net tells them all
"That's just how it is unfortunately" He shakes his head

"We're not giving up. We will wait. We've seen this before, Zee woke up. They will wake up again" Beam said

Nat then suddenly looked like he has an idea

"You okay Nat?" James asked

"I just had an idea. It might be weird but" Nat stopped and looked at them

"Go on son, we're not going to lose anything on this. We can try anything" Pornthip tells him

"What if they wouldnt wake up because they are waiting for each other? Both of them has always been next to each other everytime they are at the hospital. Now they are kept in separate rooms. What it they wouldnt wake up and breathe because they cant feel each other?" Nat said

"You have a point! Only P'Zee could pull out Nunew from his dark place. And only Nunew could calm P'Zee's panic attacks! You might be right on this" James tells Nat

"I can ask them to transferm Nu and P'Zee to their biggest room so they can be together. That shouldnt be a problem" Net tells them all

A day after the request was made, they transferred Zee and Nunew to the biggest room in the ICU. They're families waited and waited and on the 3rd dat after transferring, James got a call in his office.

"James, they are removing the tubes and machines now." Pornthip said

James stood up quickly and frowned.

"What do you mean they are removing them?! We agreed not to give up! We are not giving up!" James shouted

"Son calm down. They are both breathing now." Pornthip tells him

"What?! It worked?!" James asked again

"It worked" His mother told him

"It worked. It worked!!" James shouted in joy.
"I'll be there in 15minutes ma!" James said

"Go and Grab max and nat too" Pornthip tells him.

James then proceed to the floor above him.

"Where are they?" He asked Tim

"In the conference room sir having a meetting" Tim said

"Cancel or reschedule all their meetings. We're going to See phi and nu" james tell him as he walk.towardd where Max and Nat is.

He opened the door without knocking. The whole room looked at him as he had a wide smile on his face. He walked to Nat, stood him up and hugged him.

"What is happening?" Max asked.

James looked at Max with a smile.

"It worked! They're breathing! It actually worked!" James shouted as he hugs Nat again!
"Thank you thank you thank you" he says as he hugs him

Max stood up and looked at the other people in the room
"You are all dismissed" he tells them

"I already cancelled the rest if your schedule. Come lets go!" James dragged both of them

They arrived in the room and saw Net with their mothers. Zee and Nunew are still asleep but looks much better now than when they had the tubes

"They will still keep them here in ICU over night to observe but they can be transferred to the private room if nothing goes wrong tonight." Net tells them

"I already asked for the biggest suite so they can be together" Malee says to them.

"They just really needed each other" Nat silently said as he looks at the peacefully sleeping Nu and Zee

The next day the two were given the clearance to transfer to the private suite. Monica, the senior nurse who took a liking to the two, was the one who received them. She arranged their bed so it's close to each other and made sure they are warm and comfortable.

"When I said i like to see them again together, I didnt say in a hospital bed like this" Monica shakes her head
"But they will wake up soon. I know they will. The love of that two for each other will surely surpass this" She said

"That's true Phi. Soon we'll see them being sickly sweet again" Net says to Monica which made the others giggle
"Anyway, if any of you need us we are just outside. You know how all of my staff has an undying crush to your boys" Monica gave a wink to Pornthip and Malee.

"Thanks Khun Monica" Malee said as Monica comes out of the room.

"James, if they were able to breathe just by being in the same room, do you think they will wake up if they feel each other?" Net asked as he stares at the two

"We can try. We dont know, it might work" James said to net

"We wont lose anything if we try it at this point" Max tells them as he stood up. James, Nat and Net stood up as well.

They took the breaks off the beds, removed the rails and pushed them together. Nat then climed on the bed to arrange their hands so they are laced together. Max then helped him hop off afterwards.

Net took a photo of them.
They will probably like to see this when they wake up. Net says in his head

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