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The whole family gathered to eat at a family style restaurant after the ceremony. They ordered loads of dishes which are mainly Nunew and Nat's favorites. Nunew was the first one to fill his plate in as the others were looking at him smiling

"Son slow down. We are not in rush. We will order more later if we need to. " Pornthip was laughing at her youngest's actions

"Sorry mom, I cant help it. Im so hungry now." Nunew scratched his head as he apologized.

When everybody got a plate of food, they all fall into small conversations while eating merrily.

"So how long would you be here Zee? When is your flight back?" Beam asked him. He stopped eating and looked at Nunew for a second before answering.

"Uhmm, im just staying for 2 nights Mama Beam. My flight is Sunday afternoon. I need to be back before Monday morning." Zee said to them.

"How did you even manage to come home Phi? I thought you were swamped with work?" Asked Nat

"Well I only had exams on morning if Thursday and Friday class was cancelled due to staff strikes so I decided to book last minute flight for afternoon of Thursday. I rushed to the airport as soon as the plane landed, luckily for me Foie was like a pro racer." Zee was laughing as he remembers the trip. All of a sudden, he felt a slap on his shoulder

"Hia! You didnt have to come! We told you it's okay. Nat and I understand. Plus we will see you soon anyway! You didnt have to run here and rush again back for your class! I know how tiring it can be!" Nunew scolded him

"But I really really want to go. I didnt miss James and Net's graduations and im most certainly wouldnt miss yours and Nats." Zee said to Nunew with soft eyes.
Nunew felt bad. He really does. He knows how tired his Hia is. But he is also very happy and appreciative that he made a huge effort to be here. Nunew didnt argue anymore. He just scooped a huge amount of stir fried rice and put it in Zee's plate.

"Here. Eat more. You are too thin." Nunew told him as he pile on more food in his plate

"Nu! I wouldnt be able to finish these!" Zee protested

"Nope. You finish that. You are not standing up if you dont finish your plate. " Nunew sternly told Zee. Everybody is giggling at this point as Zee just looked like a kid who got scolded

"Remind me who is the eldest again." Net asked james as he is laughing

"Oh you better just obey if Nunew is that determined. You dont want to see his angry side." James told Net

"Oh i know. Ive been there. Nope. Never again. How can someone that small be so that scary." Net had goosebumps remembering the time Nunew got mad at him

"That wasnt even the worst of it, you got out of it easy as he wasnt still as close to you at that time" Nat joined their conversation

At the head of the table, the three matriarch of the family observed their kids. They have this immense feeling of proud as they look at their children. Yes the road was very tough, they even thought of giving up sometimes. But seeing their kids now makes them realize that everything was worth it. They made the right decision to stick together.

After everybody was full, they all decided to go home and rest. They split up between 3 cars. Zee, Nunew and Malee in the first. Max, Nat and Beam in second, James, Net and Pornthip in third.
In Zee's car, Nunew is fell asleep and leaned on Zee.

"Arent you tired son?" Malee asks him

"Yes ma, i would probably sleep straight away if i lie down" Zee sheepishly said to his mother.

"Are you happy?" Malee asks him again. Zee looked at the younger boy before answering

"Yes mama, im very happy. Seeing all of you made it all worth it." Zee told his mother.
Malee smiled warmly at him. He reminds her of his husband. He is so much like him. It doesnt matter if he is tired. If it is for his family's happiness, he would do it without any hesitation at all.

They soon arrived at the mansion and zee softly wake up Nunew.

"Nu. Nunu. Wake up. We are here. " Zee shakes Nunew up. He opened his eyes and looked around. He then unbuckled his seatbelt and went out of the car.

"Okay good night everyone! I know all of you are tired. We dont have work tomorrow so why dont we all go out? Hmm?" Malee asks them

"Okay Mama. But do we have to wake up early or can we go in the afternoon?" James asked

"I know you will ask that, No you dont have to wake up early. You have to set up your alarms though at 10:30 so we can have Brunch together. Okay?" Pornthip informed them after she laughed at James who is a notorious morning hater

"It's Chicken and waffles for brunch. Or maybe bacon and French toasts too. So make sure you are in time before someone inhales all of it." Beam said as he teases Nunew.

"Ma. Im not that bad." Nunew whined at her.

"Oh you are little buddy. Look at the others, they are all setting their alarms now." Zee teased him as he points out that all of their brothers are now setting up alarms in our phones.

"In all honesty, you really eat a lot Nu. I dont even know how you stay that thin without exercising. Do you have a pit hole in your stomach?" Max teases the youngest

"It is not my fault my metabolism is good Phi" Nunew crossed his arms over his chest as the rest of them tease him.

"All right, that's enough. Go to your rooms now all of you. Sweet dreams my loves. Good night " Pornthip told them. They all hugged and wished each other good night and went to their respective rooms.

As Zee and Nunew go to their rooms, Nunew tugged on Zee's shirt.
"Can i sleep over to your room Hia?" Nunew asks him nicely as Zee smiles at him.

"Ofcourse Nu, you didnt even have to ask. Have a shower first and come over okay?" He says to nunew and patted his head.
They went to their respected rooms and prepared for bed time.

It took a while before Nunew went to Zee's bedroom. Zee was already getting sleepy so he decided to sit up and open his laptop to try and stay awake. Nunew then enetered his room with a pillow in his arms.

"Still working Hia? Should i come back later?" Nunew asks him

"No nu. I just opened it to stay awake. My eyes are already dropping earlier. " Zee closed his laptop and out it away

"Then why didnt you just sleep?" Nunew asks him as he hops into Zee's bed

"I was waiting for you. I didnt want to sleep without you" Zee answered him as he covers them both with the blanket.

"Well im here now. So close your eyes and sleep. You must be so tired. Good night Hia" Nunew told him

"Good night my Nunu." Zee said as he hugs Nunew.

Nunew face Zee and looks at him. He looks really tired. His face looks a bit thinner and he has dark circles around his eyes. He looks like a panda Nunew noticed. He then felt that his eyelids are getting heavy. He moved closer to Zee. And the last thought that he had before he was off to dreamland was that Zee smells like spearmint. A sweet and refreshing spearmint.

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