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Nunew came out of his room expecting to see Zee having coffee downstairs. But Beam told her he already left for work. So he had his portion of breakfast and went to work too. He decided he will take kirin today. He need some air so he will take his bike to work. He got his bikers jacket and went out of the house.
He cant stop thinking about Zee. About how vulnerable Zee was sounding last night. He cant understand why. Zee likes Sam. He's sure of it. Or is he?

Zee on the other hand buried himself in work. He came out of the house very early to jog since he couldnt sleep anyway and decided to just go to work after showering. He is now neckdeep in his work. The numbers on their books dont add up. But why is he the first one to notice.

It was already mid day and he already got fed up of all the files infront of him. So he decided to do a walk inspection to one of the malls they own. He went there with Foie and Tommy.
As they come up to the second floor, he saw Tutor, Yim, Gun and Earth from afar. If they are all here, then Nunew should be here too. He checked his phone but there is no message for the younger one. He went towards the group to say Hi to them. Tutor was the one who noticed him first so he waved.

"Hey P'zee! Long time no see" Tutor said to him.
"Nice to see you too Tutor. All of you too!" He smiled to them
"Are you guys here with Nu?" He askes them and right on cue, Nunew appeared behind him

"Hia, you're here?" Nunew asked him. Zee turned around and he could see Ivan's arm around Nunew's shoulder as they both hold their drinks.

"Will he be in trouble?" Yim quietly asked Tutor who just nudged him to keep quiet.

Zee gained his composure and replied
"Im just doing a walk in inspection" He curtly said. He has this annoyance in his as he see how close Nunew and Ivan are

Then suddenly, someone called Zee's name. It was Sam.

"ZeePruk! You're out of your den?!" Sam said as she gave him a hug. She then hooked her arm with Zee's
"Nunew! You're here too?! Wow is there an event as you two are here" Sam said to them

Nunew looked at them with sad eyes. He wants to go and run away. He doesnt want to see them but he should pretend he's okay so he just gave them a small smile.

"Hi P'sam. Oh we just ran into each other. Im here with my friends." Nunew said as he pointed at the group.

"Oh cool, maybe you guys want to join me for lunch? We can all go as a group" Sam said as she smiled at Zee who is still looking at Nunew.

"Oh sorrt Phi. Ivan already promised that he would cook for us. We are just here to get somethings" Nunew said as he elbows Ivan.

"Uh yeah yeah. Sorry. Maybe next time" Ivan just said as he looked weirdly at Nu as this is not the plan at all.
All of Nunew's friends can feel the tension in the air, one wants to skin someone alive while the other one wants to hide away due to being hurt.

"When will they stop pinning on each other?" Gun silently said.
"This is too painful to watch" Earth seconded

"Hia I will see you at dinner. Okay?" Nunew said. And Zee just nodded at him, not saying a word. Sam said good bye too.

Sam dragged Zee to a restaurant and she slapped Zee's head as they sat down.
"Why are you being like this?! I could clearly see how much you want to kill the other guy from across the mall!" Sam scolded him.
"Have you told him yet? If you are not planning to tell him then dont be like this!" Sam told him

"I cant tell him. I cant lose him" Zee said as he rubs his face.

"What's wrong with him?" Grace, Sam's girlfriend, said as she arrive.

"He's seen Nunew with another guy. He nearly ripped the guy's head if i didnt arrive in time" Sam explained as she held Grace's hand.

"Zee, you have to tell him. He has to know. You might not know he feels the same too. You wouldnt know if you wont take the first step." Grace softly told him

"You're in love with the guy for years! You've been giving him loving eyes but dont have the courage to say it!" Sam exclaimed.

"I dont know" Zee sadly told him.

The two girls just looked at each other and sighed.

"Come on, lets just eat. You're giving me a headache. This was supposed to be our date but you need more comfort than we do. Order anything you like" Grace told him.

As Nunew's group entered Ivan's Van, they all looked at Nunew.

"You do remember that Ivan is a horrible cook right?" Tutor said as tge others nodded their head in fear of the memories of Ivan's cooking

"I know. Im sorry, that's the only thing I can think of" Nunew said

"Good thing Fah is at home then. Or else all these seafood will be a waste" Ivan said as he messaged his wife, Fah, that they will have guests and that they bought groceries

"What's wrong with you anyway? This is the first time i saw you looking like that at P'zee" Gun said

"Yeah, this is so unlike you. You usually see him like the sun in your life" Earth jokingly said.

"Dont change your mind about me if i tell you. Please?" Nunew said

"Ofcourse! What are you talking about? We will never change our minds about you" Ivan reassured him.

Nunew sighed and look at his lap.
"I think im in love with Hia" He softly said.

"Did he say what i think he said?" Tutor asked. Nunew looked up

"Oh thank Buddha he finally sees it!" Yim shouted which earned a slap from Gun

"Nunew, you just figured that out now? We thought you guys were a thing for years!" Gun said.

"I told you they both are as dense as a rock" Earth said as Tutor slaps him

"So what's wrong then?" Ivan asked

"You've seen him with P'Sam. Im just his Nong. I cant risk him hating me if he would know. I cant lose him" Nunew sadly said

"Nunew, you wouldnt know that. We all can see that Zee adores you. And would still be. You just have to tell him so he wouls understand why you feel this way." Ivan told him

"He will never like me the way i like him" Nunew said

"Oh dear he's still too clueless" Tutor said as he shakes his head

"Nunew, you wouldnt know if you wouldnt lay your cards out. Be honest. He would understand. I promise you" Yim said as Nunew just looked down.

They all arrived at Ivan's house and Fah greeted them. She noticed Nunew looking down so he asked Ivan.

"What's wrong with Nunu?" Fah asked.

"He just figured out that he's in love with Zee and he thinks Zee wouldnt like him back as he is in love with somebody else." Ivan said

"They are so hopeless im telling you. How blind can they be that they dont see how madly inlove they are with each other?" Fah said shaking her head as they unload groceries.
"Oh i know what might cheer Nunew up." She said as she went to the living room.
"Hey guys, i bought a new karaoke mic. Want to test it out?" She said smiling to them.

The boys took turns in singing. Ivan and Fah took some crisps out to munch on while they wait for the food. They gave Nu the mic when it was his turn.

He looked at the song. He chose How You Feel.
He sang it with so much feelings that the others just stare at him. Tutor, being the instigator himself, recorded Nunew singing and posted it on instagram. He changed the privacy of it so that his close friends, in addition of Zee, would be the only ones who can view it. He knows Zee is following him so he hopes Zee would see it.

"So how do you really feel? Let's be honest here"
Tutor wrote as a caption.

"What are you doing?" Yim asked him

"Giving them a push" Tutor said.

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