Your Average Day at School

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"Kenny? Kenny, wake up!"

Kenny wakes up from his air mattress, and rubs his eyes, waiting for them to adjust, as he opens them to face his younger sister, Karen, standing above his bed.

"Shouldn't you be in school already, Karen?" He asked, as she nodded. "Mom's still hungover from last night, and the car isn't working either. Can you walk me?" She asks, as Kenny checks the time on his phone and nods.

"Of course, just let me get ready and I'll walk you before I head to my bus stop."

Kenny gets up and heads to the family bathroom, brushing his teeth above the sink. He didn't have much else to do besides get dressed, his family was one of the poorest ones in town, so he didn't have much extra time to shower. If he did, he'd hear his dad bitch about him wasting water too early in the morning, so he didn't have much of an option.

Kenny headed back into his room to change into his clothes, basic sweats and a hoodie, as he fixed his hair by running his fingers through it. He packed up his backup, as he headed towards the door with Karen.

"Hey, you ready, Karen?" he asked, as she nodded, smiling. "Let's head out."


The sky was still darkish outside, it was still considered early, as the sky was falling down slightly with snow, not as much as usual. As usual, Kyle Broflovski was the first there like always, his mother forced him to head there early, as she was fairly a little obsessed when it came to Kyle's attendance and grades; she would flip if she heard anything about him being late to one of his classes and would assume the worst.

A car pulls up to the bus stop sign, and Kyle sees a familiar husky figure in the passenger seat, along with an attractive, middle aged woman, Liane Cartman. Liane had always dropped Eric off by car, she knew he hated walking and would spoil him, even though his house was a two minute walk at most to the neighborhood bus stop. The car door opens as Eric walks out of the car, heading to stand at the bus stop, as Liane rolls down the window.

"Bye, poopsykins!" she says, smiling, as she adds, "And don't forget, I won't be home for tonight or when you come home from school! I have a work thing to take care of!" she says, as she drives off, as Eric sighs. He knew what that meant.

"Hey, Jew." he says, rolling his eyes, as he stands next to Kyle. Kyle glares as he feels Eric's eyes judge him. "Hey fatso. Where the hell were you last night? We had that project with Stan and Kenny at my place and you never showed up." Kyle says, annoyed as Eric rolls his eyes.

"Since when does my life concern you so much?" he asked, as Kyle glared. "Your life doesn't concern me the least, fat ass. I'm concerned over the fact that it's not fair that you're skipping out on project work while we all work our asses off." Kyle says to Cartman, his voice full of anger as Eric sighs.

"Alright, I'll fucking come over today! I just had something personal yesterday." Eric adds, annoyed.

Kenny arrives finally, later than usual. "Hey, Kenny." Cartman says, as Kenny walks up to the bus stop. "Why are you so late today?"

"I had to walk Karen to school, stupid shit with my parents not being able to." He says, as the bus finally is down the road, pulling in front of them. They three head onto the bus, Kyle eyes around for Stan, and takes a seat next to him.

"Hey, dude!" Kyle says, as he sits next to Stan, smiling. Stan Marsh used to live in their neighborhood, but ever since his dad started his marijuana company and moved out to a big plot of land, and built an expensive ranch, Stan had to take a different bus route since it was farther away.

fourteen (south park fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora