"Maybe,but let's not forget that I haven't tried my powers for a long time.After all,in snowball fights,I have the best aim," I stated with pride as the snowball disappears into thin air,knowing that the conversation is going to be long.

"Hmm,but I think that I'm gonna win.Obviously.I have the brains,and the beauty too,"He slicked his hair back into a quiff as he said those words.

I faked a barf,"Ew,brains and beauty combined is so not a good combination for you man."

"So you mean it fits you?"He raised his eyebrows.

I cleared my throat and stood proudly,"Of course.Why doesn't it?It makes sense you know."

The guy rolled his eyes and said sarcastically jokingly,"Yeah,it so does."

"Come on,wanna bet or no?Cause I'm getting tired of battling with your lameness," I asked.

"Snowball fight!"He yelled as he threw a snowball at me which I easily dodged.

I heard some movements,my eyes was soon wide open.I sat up,looking around to see nothing.However,there was a creaking noise coming from the ceiling of my room.My head was immediately snapped up.To see the sight of someone floating -or at least, flying- in my room is something that you don't see everyday.And the first thing that comes to my mind is to scream.

I screamed,which obviously sent the guy in panic.He didn't know what to do,so that made me shut the hell up.Of course,screaming for at least five seconds could send someone worried and find you to see if anything happened.

"Elsa!"Anna rushed into my room,her hair was frizzy like the usual with the white streak in her hair tangled along with her orange hair,"You alright?What happened?"

I gulped,thinking that I should lie again,"N-Nothing.Don't worry,I thought there was a mouse but it's just a squirrel.Sorry to bother you,Anna."

"Oh,"Was what Anna could say as she walks away,"I'll tell Dad later about the squirrel issue.Too much squirrels here,and it's gonna be a pest issue."

I quickly faced the flying guy and grabbed the thing closest to me - a thick book,"Who are you?"

"Jack.Jack Frost,"The guy said,smirking before zooming off to the balcony where the door swished open and close again after he flew out.

awh jack just left like that.

lol elsa gotta stop cursing.

expect a long chapter next. :)

-ggrangely xx

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