Chapter 643 - 644

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are You don't want to cooperate with me."

Zhen Shuai sat firmly, "Uncle, everyone has to do things according to their ability. You don't have a penny of capital, who dares to do business with you? This is just like you usually do with others. It's like playing cards. You don't have a penny with you. Who wants to play with you?"

"Don't think about it anymore?" Zhen Aimin said in a deep voice.

Zhen Shuai shook his head, "Please don't embarrass me."

Zhen Aimin smiled, stood up, and said meaningfully: "Okay, one day you will beg for your help. Zhen Shuai, remember this sentence Here!"

Zhen Shuai sighed and said slowly: "It shouldn't be possible, right? After all, we have begged you many times before, cried and knelt down, but you have never extended a helping hand. In the future, I think you should be even more reluctant. Maybe you can help us."

There is indeed a case of kneeling down. It was when Zhen Aihua had just passed away and the family was really struggling. Xu Xiuli took Zhen Xiang, Zhen Duo and Zhen Guo with her. The three girls all knelt down for Zhen Aimin and Wu Guixiang. Xu Xiuli thought that the man had gold at his knees, so he did not take Zhen Shuai and Zhen Cheng there, otherwise Zhen Shuai would not be able to escape Zhen Aimin and Wu Guixiang from kneeling down.

A flash of anger quickly flashed across Zhen Aimin's face, he snorted coldly, and strode away.

"This time I offended him severely, I'm afraid he will take revenge." Shen Xingdu put down his book and walked to Zhen Shuai.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I'm too lazy to get involved with him." Compared to Wu Guixiang, Zhen Shuai actually hated Zhen Aimin more. The fact that Zhen Aimin has not come forward can actually explain a lot of problems. Does he really not know what Wu Guixiang did? Not necessarily. After living under the same roof for a long time, and that person being his pillow, how could he not know what Wu Guixiang had done. Even if you don’t know it at first, you will hear it from the villagers’ mouths later. But he just never showed up. To put it bluntly, Wu Guixiang is obviously evil, while Zhen Aimin is secretly cruel. The reason why he appeared today was probably because he saw that other villagers had found a way out, but his family had no clue at all and started to worry. In addition, Wu Guixiang had made trouble several times and got nothing, so he couldn't sit still and took action personally.

When Zhen Xiang came back, Zhen Shuai told her to keep an eye on Zhen Cheng in the future. When a bad guy becomes really bad, no one can predict what terrible things he will do.

Zhen Xiang was a little uneasy, "I will never let him out of my sight." "

The neighbors on both sides should also establish a good relationship and give them something. Just say that they have been feeling noises outside the yard these days and ask them to help at night. Pay attention to the movement." Zhen Shuai said again.

Zhen Xiang stood up and said, "Don't be stingy. I'll get them some candies, biscuits, and some raw chicken steaks. Aunt Long's grandson is only over a year old, so I'll get her a can of malted milk." "

Zhen Shuai nodded, "Very good. From now on, I'll give them something every now and then. Even if it's a handful of red dates or two taels of brown sugar, don't think it's too little. It's all from my heart." "I know." Zhen Xiang said neatly

. The land has gone.

When she went to the sun drying field to enjoy the cool air in the evening, she saw her uncle and aunt were there. She couldn't help but secretly observe their expressions, but she didn't see anything.

There was a large group of people between her and Wu Guixiang, so she didn't bother to say hello and watched Zhen Cheng running around with a group of children of similar age.

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