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Kyouka was about to move on when she stopped to think. 'Wait maybe Dazai-San has some useful information. It's most likely possible.' Kyouka decided to go back to the Jiangshi's station. "Oh, did you change your mind?" The Jiangshi asked the girl who was in front of him and she nods. "Very well then... I'll pry myself away from my work." Dazai said and then he walked out of his station. "Over here. I know a shortcut." Dazai states with a grin on his face. Kyouka follows him. (A/N: you decide wether it was a actual shortcut or not.) Dazai entered with Kyouka behind him to Lupin. Dazai turned around. "Fast shortcut, huh?" Dazai asks with a playful tone while grinning and then turns around again. "Hey, everyone!" Dazai greeted everyone in Lupin. "Hello Dazai." The Belgian Mailnois greeted him while his partner just scoffed.

"Ack!" The Afghan Hound yelped in pain when his partner Tecchou stabbed his foot. "Jouno don't be rude greet him." Tecchou scolded him and since Jouno is not in the mood to argue with him, he gives to his demand. "Hi Dazai..." Jouno says with a fake smile. (A/N: just imagine this scene like the "Hello Roco." Quote that Elmo said lol.)

Kyouka tilted her head in confusion. "Tecchou-San." Kyouka said the dogs name and he looked at her. "Oh! Hello little pup." Tecchou greeted the girl. 'Does he still think I'm a puppy? Or does he know that I'm human.' Kyouka thought to herself but then stopped to ask her question. "Why does Jouno-San from what it looks like not get along with Dazai-San?" The girl asked curiously to the dog monster. "I think it's because the first time he and his roommate came to Snowdin, he had to arrest him and he refused to cooperate. And he also tried to flirt with him to get him to let him go... And I think you already know how that must have ended." 

"You know what I'm not even that surprised that he did that." Kyouka says deadpanning. "Hey Dazai!" Teruko and Tachihara say in unison. "Hiya Dazai~" another monster that looked like they had to much to drink greeted him too. (A/N: btw this monster is supposed to embodies some Dazai simps mainly the ones on tiktok especially the username ones there's so many...) "You're quite popular here." Kyouka states. Kyouka and Dazai take a seat and the bartender looks at Dazai with a skeptical looking face. "Dazai, weren't you just here for breakfast a few minutes ago?" The split-colored haired bartender asked with a eyebrow raised. "Nope, I haven't had breakfast in at least half an hour." Dazai states to the bartender who asked him. "Must be thinking of brunch." Dazai says jokingly. Everyone laughed except for Jouno and Sigma cause those two are not huge fan of jokes and plus Tecchou because he trying to process the joke. (A/N: Autistic Tecchou supremacy!)

"Anyways what do you want Kyouka?" The monster asked the girl sitting next to him. Kyouka looks at the menu and decides what she wants. "Fries." Dazai nods in agreement. "Sigma, we'll have a double order of fries." Dazai orders and Sigma nodded and went to the back. "So, what do you think... Of my roommate?" Dazai asked curiously. "Cool!" Kyouka exclaimed happily. "Yeah he's great." Dazai says smiling. Sigma then walked out of the back with the fries. "Want some ketchup with that?" Dazai asked the girl who just shook her head. "If you say so." Dazai says and then drunk the entire bottle of ketchup. Kyouka just stared in horror. "Why are you like this?" Sigma said to the Jiangshi who didn't even answer. (A/N: reference to something...) "Anyways cool or not, you have to agree that Kunikida works really hard. Like how he keeps trying to be part of the royal guard. One day, he went to the house of the head of the royal guard... And tried convincing her to let him in. Of course she shut the door on him because it was late but the next day, she woke up and saw him still waiting. Seeing his dedication, she decided to mentor him. It's still a work in progress though." 

"..." There's a silence between the two. "Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something." Dazai then spoke breaking the silence. "Have you ever heard of a talking flower?" Dazai then asked in a dark tone very serious from how he usually talks to her. Kyouka nods. "So you know all about it. The Echo Flower. They're all over the marsh in Waterfall. Say something to them and they'll repeat it over and over..." Dazai stated still being very ominous. "What about it? Well, Kunikida told me something interesting the other day. Sometimes when no one else is around... A flower appears and whispers things to him." Dazai explained to the girl. "Flattery... Advice... Encouragement... predictions." Dazai then paused. "Weird, huh?"

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