The Bird And The Joker

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Kyouka entered the house and was surprised how tidy it was. "Welcome!" Nikolai says to Kyouka with a Joyful tone. "Now before you look around I have to fix your hair, okay?" Kyouka nods and they go to the living area. Kyouka grabs a chair and drags it to the living area to sit on it. Nikolai takes out one of those old and painful hair brushes that almost every child in the 90s and 2000s had. (A/N: Kyouka I am so sorry.) Kyouka froze staring at the brush with wide eyes. Nikolai notices. "What is the matter little bird?" Nikolai asks the girl who is still looking at the brush in fear. "Nothing... "Kyouka mumbled to herself. "Oh okay then let's get started!" Nikolai exclaims happily.

After 3 hours of pain Nikolai finishes. "That took longer than I expected." Nikolai states. "You can go look around now I'll be in the kitchen." Nikolai says then going to the kitchen.Note to self don't let Nikolai brush your hair. Kyouka tells herself.

Kyouka looks around the place and goes to a hallway with two doors. Kyouka figures that the door with the bird carved on it was her room mainly because Nikolai likes to call her little bird. She opens the door to the bedroom and she sees a bed with a feather patterned blanket and a toy box and other stuff you'd see in a bedroom Kyouka walks to the toy box.

  (Look at these cool toys! They don't interest you at all.)

Kyouka sees a box and a few other things.

(A box of kids' shoes in a disparity of sizes.)

(An empty photo frame. It's really dusty. . .)

Kyouka leaves the bedroom when she's done looking around. She looks around more.

(You have seen this type of plant before but you don't remember it's name.)

Kyouka admired the plants beauty not before thinking to herself, I wonder what is in Nikolai-sans room? she walks to the door and opened it. There was a bed as expected and regular stuff that could be found in a bedroom. She sees a book on his desk she picks it up.

(It's a diary, will you read it.)

Kyouka decided to read it out of curiosity but out of no where a portal appears and a hand takes it. Kyouka turns around to see Nikolai. "You know it's very rude to look through a monsters stuff." Nikolai said with a cold stare but quickly shifted to a happy face. "Anyways pies ready!" Nikolai says and walks to the dinner table. Kyouka forgets about the diary and follows him to the dinner table. Kyouka sits on the chair and waits eagerly for the pie. "Here you go!" Nikolai hands her a slice. Then Kyouka looks at the pie suspiciously. "Nikolai-san what kind of pie is this..." Kyouka asked. "Well it's my meat pie of course!" Nikolai claims. Kyouka smells it and wonders what the hell did he put in this. "Uhh actually I am tired if you excuse me I am going to go take a nap." Kyouka announces. "Okay! I'll leave the pie in your room to eat it later." Okay thanks..." Kyouka mumbles as she headed to her room to go take a nap. Kyouka entered her room and got in bed.

*Creak. . .

Nikolai opens the door slowly he puts the slice of pie on the side of the bed on the drawer. He covers Kyouka with the blanket properly and then he leaves slowly closing the door. After a hour Kyouka wakes up. She yawns. How long was I asleep for? Kyouka asks herself still a bit tired, she noticed the pie.

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