Your Best Friend Q

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Kyouka Izumi is runaway orphan, her parents had tragically died and as a result of that she was orphaned she had no relatives or friends she could stay with so she decided to runaway and climb MT. EBOTT and she fell into the Underground, so that's how Kyouka Izumi ended up in this situation, Kyouka opened her eyes just to awaken in a flower bed which she figured this was how she survived the fall, Kyouka stood up from the flower bed and decided she should try looking for a way out.

After 10 minutes of walking she encounters a person in the shadows or she thinks it's a person and the figure emerges from the shadows and she realizes that isn't a person or at least a human person they looked like they were about her age Kyouka thought and the fourteen year old had a flower doll with them, the fourteen year old introduced themself, "Hi! I'm Q!" the flower child exclaimed joyfully, "Hmmm... you're new to the Underground." "Aren't you?" the flower child asked, Kyouka nodded.

Q giggled and says, "You most be so confused," Kyouka stood her guard she was very suspicious of Q, she didn't trust them.

"Hey no need to be so nerved, I'll teach you how things work around here," Q exclaims giving Kyouka a uneasy smile.

"Ready?" "One, two, three, Here we go!"

All of sudden she sees a heart in front of her. "See that heart?" "That is your soul.

The very culmination of your being!" Q explained still smiling.

As if Kyouka wasn't already confused now she's really confused.

"Your soul starts off weak, but you can grow strong if you gain LV." Kyouka asks Q what does LV stands for.

"What does LV stand for?" Why, LOVE, of course!" Q exclaims, Kyouka feels uneasy and knows something isn't right.

"You want some LOVE, don't you?"

"Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" Q exclaims happily.

"Down here LOVE is shared through..."

"Little white..." Friendly pellets. Kyouka is still standing her guard, "Are you ready?" "Move around! Get as many as you can!" Kyouka moves out of the way, not trusting the quote on quote Friendly pellets.

"Hey you missed them." Q states showing a slight irritation from they're tone. "Let's try again, okay?" Another set of Friendly pellets appear and Kyouka moves out of the way again.

Q visibly irritated with with Kyouka says to her, "Is this a joke?" "Are you stupid?" "RUN, INTO, THE, BULLETS!!!"

"Uhh... I mean pellets!" Kyouka stunned by what the flower child said doesn't listen to them and dodges the bullets.

"...." Q was silent for a minute.

"You know what going on here, don't you?" Q asks with a more unsettling and disturbing smile. All sudden Kyouka is surrounded by Q's bullets with no where to run.


Q starts giggling and then the giggling starts turning into manic laughter, Kyouka thinks to her self is this how it ends.

All of sudden a portal appears right under her and she falls in and before she knew it she met a Goat like Man and he says, "what a horrible creature torturing a poor defenseless child." he exclaims. "Don't worry little bird, my name is Nikolai Gogol." He smiles at her while Kyouka was iffy about the monster she smiles back because she thinks he must not be bad of a person if he saved her.

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