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"So Kunikida... Why was there a dog in here earlier?" Dazai asked while sitting on the couch.

"I honestly don't know why or how it got in here, all I know is that Ranpo calls the dog Asagiri-Sensei for some reason." Kunikida replied to the other monster.

"Knowing Ranpo he probably knows something we don't." Dazai says while the other was thinking.

"You have a good point... I'll ask him about it later." Kunikida said.

"Also Ranpo came in through the window and took some snacks from the fridge last night." Dazai said to the blonde.

"What!? Why didn't you stop him?!" Kunikida scolded Dazai.

"Because I made a deal with him." Dazai stated.

"What kind of deal?" Kunikida asked sounding skeptic.

"He said that he wouldn't tell Yosano what happened to the puzzle she made you." Dazai answered.

"How did he..." Kunikida was about to ask but Dazai gave him the "It's Ranpo." face.


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