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Monday August 8th

I decided to cut ties with Castro

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I decided to cut ties with Castro. He's been asking us to do a lot of deep shit that eventually we wouldn't be able to get out of. Ion wanna do this shit forever. Yea it pays good and all but I wanna be regular one day, just not today though.

"I need yall niggas to suit up"Castro demanded walking pass us into his office.

"For what?" Lo asked.

"Y'all going to handle shit for me and it's gonna require you niggas to use protection" he said. The nigga sounded stressed tf out.

"You can count me out. Ion wanna do this shit no more" Mookie spoke up.

"Me neither" cash and Lo agreed. When I tell you this nigga neck snapped, you could hear that mf. He don't even need a chiropractor.

"What?" "You know what, it's cool. Yummy" Castro signaled to her and she walked everyone out. She ain't come back in the room which sent off a red flag.

Everyone walked out of the room with yummy following them. It was weird how cool he was being about it but I know shit is a set up.

"Ion need them niggas no ways. You think you and yummy can handle this shit?" He laughed off.

"I'm done working for you." I spoke.

"Nigga you ain't done with a mf thing. The way I see it you owe me" he replied. I owe you a closed casket mf stop playing with me.

"Ion owe you shit"

"Oh yea? How do you think you got out of jail? How you think you only did a year? Everything you got is because of me." He expressed scrunching up his face. Aht aht mf.

"Nah you thought getting me a public defender was gonna help me out but it didn't. I got my own lawyer and paid yours just to sit there. I copped a plea so I would only sit on the box for a year when they really wanted me to do jail time and or snitch. You're the one they wanted. I was hip to your game when the nigga walked in that room not knowing wtf he was talking about" I explained to him. My dad found me a real good lawyer. I was not about to sit down and do time. 1 year in jail was enough and 1 year on the box set me straight.

"So you think you real smart huh?" He laughed nodding his head. Real mf smart. I ain't dumb.

"I want to make my own money and work for myself. That's just me talking. Everyone else got a brain for themselves." I shrugged.

"Ok... you was one of my best dealers. I hate to see you go" he sighed. Fake ass sassy bitch. ICK!

I nodded my head and looked at him really good before walking away. I felt something was off and he let me go to easily. As I was turning around I could hear him grab something. Now y'all know I can hear from a mile away. Idky this nigga thought he could backdoor me. I pulled my gun out and shot him twice in the chest. I had to make sure I was the person he saw before I shot him in the head. You learn alot when you survive the drug game.

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