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July 4th

My aunt and uncle is having a Fourth of July party on their property today

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My aunt and uncle is having a Fourth of July party on their property today. They got a big ass house on acres of land with a big dumb ass drive way. It's always a good time over there.

"Moriah coming?" I asked walking into the kitchen. Mookie had made Mac and cheese for the cook out because he makes it better than everyone else.

"Nah I'm not ready for her to meet the family yet."he declined.

"Is it that ooorrrr you just don't want her to meet them?" I asked. I think they will last. I like Moriah.

"She hasn't even met mommy yet. I wanna wait a little longer. I'm not rushing nothing" he shrugged off.

"Ok, Meya is dressed and ready I already packed a change of clothes and her swim suit in her bookbag" I responded leaving the topic alone.

"Ard tell Wyllo to come grab this other pan and we can go" he nodded.

"Don't we gotta wait for Taz?" I asked.

"Nah he gonna meet us there he got something to do"

"Mommy meeting us there too?" I asked.

"She's already there. Aunt May made her come this morning to help set up" he replied.

Wtf does Taz got to do? He ain't tell me this. We helped Mookie pack the car up and then headed to our uncles house. It was an hour drive so I had to make sure I was gonna be comfortable on this long ass drive.

When we got to the house it was around 2:30 and the drive way started to get packed. Mookie likes to park at the end of the driveway so that's it's easier for him to leave when he's ready. I got out of the car and grabbed what I could then headed in the house to say hi to everyone.

"Hi everyone" I spoke as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey baby" my aunt may spoke and hugged me. "Go say hi to your uncle then come back in and help us in the kitchen. Grab your cousin Tati and that little girl she brought with her"

I went outside and spoke to my cousins and uncles. I spotted Tati sitting down next to her friend and her bd. He was a built guy with muscles but he had some weight on him.

"Hi Tati" I smiled waving at her.

"Hey girl where's your sister?" Tati smiled back hugging me.

"Idk either she's with Mookie or somewhere near water" i shrugged. If you really needed meya she would be attached to Mookie hip.

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