The Next Step.

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imagine being unaware that Mountain Glenn is a place.

could not be this (y/n).

also, 'this text' is a scroll message. 'this text' is  thoughts.

yesterday was a good day.

although you didn't see Neo, you got to watch a student get his fucking ass kicked.

it was team CRDL, the insufferable 4 who got molly whopped.

all by one person.

Pyrrha Nikos was the one who beat them up.

and oh man was it glorious.

the 4 had tried their hardest and yet they still did not stand a singular chance.

you even believed that maybe Pyrrha might give you a decent fight.

then you turned your brain on and realized that...not really.

she may have been a prodigy, but you were hand picked to guard the king's castle!

and that was reserved for the best of the best fighters within hell!

not only that, but in order to even be recognized, you have to enter a small tournament and you won said tournament.

you were probably one of the strongest guardian demons in hell.

so she wouldn't stand a chance.

and that wasn't you being prideful, in fact you were told that yourself by one of the guardian demons that had been there longer than you

imagine you think that then got destroyed.

that would be funny.

 just like all those dumb masked people you keep finding.

something about 'humans being the existence of evil' or something

they're all dead now though, so i guess they can see what hell looks like! :P

and you disagree with their view.

well partially.

Neo is not evil, that's for sure.

she might be a criminal, i'll give you that one.

but she smells to good to be evi-

that just sounds creepy.

but i mean like, her scent of sin is not bad compared to others.

although that might just be because she's your mate.....

whatever, she ain't evil in your eyes.

instead, she's absolutely perfect.

then again, you were a demon so your view of 'perfect' would most likely be warped and twisted compared to others.

but did you care?


fuck others that think she ain't perfect.

they aren't the ones trying to get into her pan-

oh my god you need to sort out your lust demon side somehow.

but then again, what could relieve you of these lewd thoughts other than the normal way your kind does it?

actually, how long did you even have left before your taken over by your ever growing desires?

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