Oh, shit.

"How so?"
"I wondered the same thing myself, if I'm so careful!"

Scylla arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips, looking down at the messy bed and... and the women's underwear on it.
She looked at her father again with an incredulous expression and folded arms, and when Jack understood what his daughter had deduced, he turned to her.


She sighed deeply and rolled her eyes, scrunching the bridge of her nose. Her father was an extremely resourceful and intelligent man, but sometimes... sometimes he was just a man.

"I'll get it back, you stay in this harbour while I get back."
"That's why you're my favourite daughter," the captain smiled, pressing a laud smiling kiss to the top of her head.
"I'm your only daughter. As far as we know, at least."


storybrook !

"So, let me get this straight," said Sylvie, propping her legs up on the seat and holding her glass of chocolate in one hand. "The man we found, David, is 'Prince Charming', and he woke up because Mary Margaret, 'Snow White', read him a story? But it turned out that he doesn't remember anything now, and magically his beautiful wife appeared?"

Emma nodded with an 'mhh' for an answer.

"And, just today, days after all that madness, you helped a poor pregnant girl; 'Cinderella', out of a deal with Mr. Gold; 'Rumplestiltskin', and reunited her with her love; 'Whatever Cinderella's Prince Is Called', by giving birth to his daughter after she had tried to run away?"

Again Emma nodded with another 'mhh', and Sylvie stared at the girl as if she had grown three heads before bursting out laughing.

"I'm beginning to think that living in fairy tales runs in the family. I never heard of such crazy things happening in this town until you came along."

Emma joined in her laughter. And they both sat there, at the hearth of Sylvie's fireplace, laughing with their chocolate mugs in hand.

"What are you going to do now? Are you going to accept Graham's proposal?"
"Yes, I think so," Emma sighed, taking a small sip of her drink.
"Emma! That's great, I'm glad you're doing that."
"You and Graham are friends, aren't you?"
"Yes, well, let's just say that after spending so much time in and out of the police station, you could say we've got used to each other."

Emma almost choked on her chocolate drink when she heard her, and Sylvie smiled sheepishly.

"I'm going to need a little more of an explanation."
"Well," she gave a nervous chuckle, "before I had the bar and all...let's just say I liked to borrow things, and not give them back.

Emma stared at her for a moment before bursting out laughing again. Sylvie covered her face in embarrassment, but couldn't help a smile.

"I was young! And very, very reckless. But then I opened my bar and let's just say I reformed."
"Wow, I didn't think we had so much in common."

Sylvie nodded with a smile, taking a sip of her hot chocolate and sighing at the memories of her days of extreme rebellion.

"Sylvie...can I ask you something?" Emma brought her back to the present with her question, and the blonde smiled slightly, nodding.
"Sure, anything."
"Haven't you ever thought about...I don't know, getting out of here?"

𝓢𝓴𝓾𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓫𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼 ➺ killian jonesWhere stories live. Discover now