First impression

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So Rain meeting my boyfriend P'Pai didn't go as I expected. It was a disaster but atleast he approves off our relationship now.

Last week Rain invited me to go to a bar with him and P'Phayu his boyfriend. I agreed since it would be a great idea to introduce P'Pai to him as well.

It wasn't a great idea! Let me tell you what happened.

When arriving Rain waved at me from a booth he and P'Phayu where sitting in. Prapai was standing behind me but it looked like Rain didn't notice him yet even when I was walking towards him.

I took a seat and P'Pai went to sit next to me laying his hand on my thigh under the table. Rain stared at him but when P'Phayu greated him he just assumed he was Phayu's friend and wanted to join them.

We had been talking and drinking for awhile know while I tried to find the right time for my little suprise.

Our new drinks arrived and I mustered up the courage to tell Rain about us. P'Phayu was really happy when I told them but Rain just yelled like the stupid monkey he is.

"YA, WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO STEAL MY SKY!" He had yelled, how can he be drunk from a few glasses?

And guess what even P'Pai decided to be his idiot self and yell back, that possessive ass seriously!

"HA, HE IS MY SKY CAUSE I'M THE ONE FUCKING HIM!" Rain looked even angrier and P'Phayu and I could only roll our eyes at their antics.

The shouting went on and on for a long time and I decided to leave together with P'Phayu so our two dumbies could get to know eachother a little better.

We stayed at the bar for about an hour before looking at our booth again to check up on our boyfriends.

There we saw Rain and P'Pai clinging at eachother laughing like maniacs with a bunch of shot glasses covering the table.

When we joined them again they only laughed at nothing and we took them home for the day.

Later on I had found out that his stupid bestfriend had dared P'Pai to take shots while doing truth or dare to prove he wasn't worthy of his Sky.

He will never let them be alone again, especially if their is alcohol around!

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