Sky's revenge

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If there was one thing that could make Sky mad than it would be someone disturbing him when he studies. School was very important to him. Even Rain learned not to anger him the hard way.

But just like every other time Pai got jealous and frustrated of seeing other people smile at his Sky. He couldn't stand seeing other people getting his attention for long especially when he wasn't getting any at all.

That is why he ended up getting punished when he leadt expected it.


Pai's pov.

Last night Sky got mad at me. He was having a studie session with nong Rain, Sig, Ple and a new classmate. I know his friends really well but that new guy was getting on my nerves.

He was doing this on purpose. Why else would he ask so many questions and lean closer to my darling.

I know that Sky warned me if I wanted to stay that I shouldn't distract him or anyone else and I really tried. I tried so hard but I couldn't help it.

I worked on my laptop and prepared them all some drinks and snacks. Everything went well until after an hour that flirty guy spilled his drink over my Sky's pants and started touching him. Saying he was helping with cleaning the mess he made he started dabbing a towel on Sky's pants.

That was fine until his hands started going closer to my Sky's crotch like he didn't known that his hands didn't belong their.

No he wasn't helping, he was assaulting my baby and I couldn't watch it happen. So I may have done something stupid and on impuls I grabbed his collar and hit the kid in the face as hard as I could. I probably broke his nose, but it's his own fault how dare he touch my baby and right infront of me. That shit got some nerves.

I know that was wrong but blame it on my family, we Theerapanyakul's are known for being impulsife and possessive of our loved ones. This didn't help with convincing Sky that I was innocent and the kid asked for it.

No! This ended with me being hit with a pan on the back of my head and ass multiple times Sky. Rain and the others started laughing their asses of while Rain filming everything. Let's just say that next family dinner will be interesting.

And finaly like a beaten and abandond puppy I got kicked out by Sky. He told me to go home and think about my actions.

I didn't see anything wrong in what I did but I wasn't gone make him angrier by talking back. I learned that talking back to Sky when he is mad is like talking to pa Porsche when he is mad at dad Kinn.

The only thing you will get out it is an angry lover who kicks you out until you come crawling back waiting for their revenge.

I hope Sky won't get back at me since I did leave when he told me. Well hopefully I'm safe and my baby will forgive me.


A week later my pa invited Sky and I over for dinner. Since we arrived 2 hours earlier I took Sky to my room.

I figgerd we could have some alone time before I had to deal with my noisy family.

Ones inside Sky cornerd me to a wall and started kissing me. And who am I to stop him when my baby is horny.

We kissed for a while until I picked him up by his tighs and carried him to my bed. I was about to crawl over him when he pushed me back making me lay down.

He asked me in a sweet and seductive tone to hold the headboard and not move my hands. This wasn't really strange cause I know he likes to take control on some occasions.

Being the good boyfriend that I am I obey and wait for Sky to stradle my lap and give me the best sex in the world.

This didn't happen!

I felt cold metal around my wrists and before I could protest Sky sushed me with another intense kiss.

He new what he was doing. In no time had he taken all my cloths of and was Pai junior standing proud waiting for my Sky's attention. I was ready for the main event but Sky suddenly stood up next to the bed.

I presumed that he was gone take his cloths of. But no he took a rope from under my bed and tied both my feed to my bed frame. Now laying with my hands stuck above my head and my legs spread wide he had me completely at his mercy.

I couldn't move and was butt naked and horny, not like I was planning on moving any time soon.

But my sweet darling was not done yet. Oh no he decide to torture me today. He took his favorite vibrator out of my closet and some lube. He preperad me and stuck the vibrator inside me turning it to it's maximum speed.

This was so good but hell as well. It hit my prostate dead on and he didn't give me any time to breathe.

I kept whinning and begging for his attention but he took his bag. Gave me one more glance before saying.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR MAKING ME ANGRY AND DISTURBING ME WHEN I AM STUDING! GOOD LUCK GETTING OUT OF THIS!" He smirked while turning around not sparring me another glance.

After that he clossed the door and I could still hear him laughing down the hallway before everything became quiet.

The only sound left was me phanthing and the buzz of the vibrator stuck in me.


I don't know how long I have been laying here getting over stimulated before I heard foorsteps aproach my room.

When the door opent my dad Kinn walked in and not Sky. To say he was shocked seeing his son tied to a bed butt naked with a vibrator in his ass would be an understatement.

He closed the door again before yelling for pa Porsche to come quick and bring his phone barely holding back his laughter.

My parents took some photo's and laughed at my missery. If that wasn't bad enough the whole family started joining them in my room.

Looks like today of all days everybody decided that they should be at home. Everytime I am here their will only be 2 or 3 family members at home, but today when Sky decides to punish me the whole family is present.

Uncle Tankhun even found it a great opportunity to give me a make over and paint my nails. Why can't they just release me and let me suffer in silence. I guess after today wherever I go my family will always look at me and remeber how my lover tied me to a bed for punishment.

This will be an embarrassing story that I will have to hear for the rest of my life.

Why did I let my guard down. I knew that Sky would get back at me some day.

You know what that the best part was it turned out that this was all Rain's idea because he had this fantasie to try this with Phayu one day and told Sky. Sky was thinking about a way to get back at me and instantly thought it would be a great punishment for me and Rain couldn't have been prouder of his friend.

The only reason why everybody was home was also because Sky had asked them to be there so he could suprise them all. Let's just say that they loved his suprise a lot and everybody started to love Sky even more.

Tankhun was so proud of Sky that he trew a feast to celebrate Sky as his new favorite son.

I guess it was worth it in the end. I never saw my Sky this happy. That doesn't mean that I won't get back at him.

Sky sweetheart you better watch your back. I'm coming for you!

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