Aswi: what?

Shiva: that I won't let anybody come near you, I will block each and everyone who comes near, until you accept me and my love,( in deep and cold voice)

Aswi was scared by this side of shiva which she never seen.
Aswi: I will not do all those thing?( in lightening the tension)

Shiva: what will you do then?( in curious)

Aswi: if you don't accept me, than I would come to your marriage and say that I am pregnant with your child infront of everyone and marry you( in smirked)

Shiva mouth was wide open by this.

Shiva: you so cruel ( in shocked eyes)

Aswi: yes i am, if I love someone I will get them or else I will make sure nobody get it also, don't think that I will leave you and say that you will get a better girl than me. (In her straight face, the last sentence was more like warning to him)

Shiva: I should have thought these things before proposing you( in fake cursing)

Aswi: it's late now, you better be loyal and honest with me ( standing from her sit) and love me like you always do cause I am not leaving you and not let you go away from me( almost in threatening voice)

Shiva: ok mam, I will no leave you , let's go. It's getting dark ( while holding aswi hands and went from there)

At chinnu and surya side at the car

Chinnu: what will do tomorrow?( asked as she know about him that he silent from the start)

Surya: about, what are you talking?( fully focused on driving)

Chinnu: about tomorrow, you said you would talk to ma and pa? Can't you do it now?( in her usual curious about surya plan)

Surya:( stops the car all of a sudden and turned towards chinnu) it on tomorrow so why are you stressing yourself from now itself, and don't worry I will definitely talk to maa and baba. You just relax ok( patting her head slowly)

Chinnu: as you says like ma and pa will agree shiva and aswi?( poutly turned)

Surya: they will ( in smiling to her cute pout) now get down.

Chinnu: why? ( still not turning towards him)

Surya: are not hungry?( removing his seat belt) come let's eat something

Chinnu: I am not hungry(didn't move a inch)

Surya: your wish, but I am going( get down of the car and leaning on the window) i heard Pani Puri is the best here..( while walking as he know about chinnu)

After hearing the name of panipuri chinnu quickly came down and followed him.

Both of them enjoyed the panipuri alot.
And went home.

Next day.
As in living hall ranju and chinnu were worried about abhi and chetu as they didn't came home from yesterday and there phone were also off.

Chinnu: did they pick up( in panic tone)

Ranju: no there phones are still off( irritated) don't know where are they?,

Chinnu: shall we tell shiva about it?

Ranju: no, he is already tense about his love life so it's better to not tell

Just aswi and surya came with aswi's parents.

Aswi ma: oh oh look whom we are seeing. ( while hugging ranju and chinnu) I missed you so much

Ranju: I missed you too ma, ( while back hugging her)

Chinnu: especially when you used to send gift for our birthday.

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