I'm not quite sure what got into Theo this morning, but I don't blame him. I have been pretty awful and confusing about how I feel. I do need to be clear with Jack so he doesn't get hurt. I like him, but sometimes my anxiety and fear of never being enough get in the way of me and my love life. 

Dad talks about everything he has planned this weekend while I start dozing off, wanting to escape any awkward tension between Theo and me. I pull my blanket over my shoulders and lay my head at an angle that I'll regret once I wake up.

And I do. I feel the strain in my neck when I wake up due to the plane landing. Landing always scared me a little more than taking off, I'm not sure why but I keep it under control. I don't look out the window and focus on taking deep breaths without alarming anyone. 

Once we're off the plane I feel much better, and I put my hoodie and sunglasses on as I catch a few paparazzi trying to capture a photo of the Lee family stepping off the plane. I keep my head down, following my Dad's footsteps as we pile into a large black SUV, ready to take us to our hotel. 

When we get there we focus more on getting our keys and getting up to our room than our luggage. The last thing I want is for more fans outside of the ones who love hockey to swarm around the hotel. I settle into my hotel room waiting for a knock on my door, letting me know my suitcase is outside. 

I haul my bags inside and open them up looking for an outfit for a nice and quiet family dinner before all the craziness this weekend will bring. I lay out my clothes on my bed and start taking off my sweats and sweater. Before putting on my new top I get closer to the mirror and examine the harsh indents on my skin. 

That's easy to blame on myself. No worries. I tell myself, feeling my heart thump as I press my hand against my chest. I take deep breaths, in through my nose out through my mouth. I put my shirt on, refusing to look at the marks more than I need to. 

I take the elevator to the lobby and see Dad and Theo waiting for me in the seating area. "Aren't you the cutest guys ever?" I smile at them as they get up from their chairs. We walk towards the restaurant we're going to quietly since Theo and I haven't made up just yet. Dad opens the door for us and gets us a table in the back.

We order our food and start talking more about the All-Star game. "I'm pretty excited to watch the first pick overall from," He thinks for a bit before figuring it out, "Oh 2019. What was that kid's name again?" He tries to remember, but Dad is the worst with names. I let him try and figure it out but Theo comes to the rescue and says, "Jack Hughes?" 

My head whips over to him, completely forgetting Jack was the first pick overall that year. I kind of stopped keeping track of the guys after 2017—the year of Nico Hischier. Dad gushes over Jack Hughes and his skill, making me heat up, and nervously itch my arms and neck. I try switching the topic to a different player. "Shame Dawson Mercer, couldn't be here. That guy is on fire." I say, making Dad wave a finger at me in agreeance.

But somehow the topic kept going back to Jack. 

Thanks to Theo.

 After dinner we all head to our separate rooms, wishing each other a good night. Once Theo and I step into the elevator I smack his arm hard. "Ow!" He hisses, turning towards me with furrowed brows that match mine. "What is up with you today?" I ask as he scoffs. "Me? It's you! It's not my fault little Miss. Josephine Beth has a crush on Mr. '2019 First Pick Overall' but can't admit it." He shouts. 

The elevator dings and we step out ready to get away from one another. When I run out I bump into a body slightly taller than mine. "Ahh, speak of the devil. Literally." Theo smirks, putting a hand on my shoulder as he gets closer to Jack. "Night Josie. Good to see you, Jack, our Dad is really looking forward to meeting you." He pats my shoulder and walks away to his hotel room. 

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