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I sat near the bar as I watch as people danced and chat around

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I sat near the bar as I watch as people danced and chat around. I saw Skylar talking to some people that looked very important I wasn't interested in talking to them.

I felt an unwanted presence next to me I looked next to me to see the unwanted beast I rolled my eyes as she looked down at me.

"Look I've apologized already for the way I acted what more could you possibly want" I heard the silver back bitch say she's like a child that has silver caps....... A pain in the ass

"I want you to leave me the hell alone" I said sipping on my drink that I've been drinking for the past 25 minutes.
"Look I admit I did overreact that night, and I'm sorry" Silver said now standing in front of me.

My light brown eyes made intense contact with her dark brown ones.
"Only because Skylar is my friend and I somewhat care about her" I said finally giving in.

I was starting to get a little nervous under her gaze, a song began to I didn't recognize it at all it was like one of them songs back in the renaissance era.

"Care to dance mi lady" Silver said in a weird accent I laughed a bit before responding
"Don't you ever in the rest of your life" I said while grabbing her hand.

Silver led us to the dance floor without saying another word I watched her as other people made their way onto the dance floor as well. I felt Silver right warm hand intertwined with my right hand.

Her hand felt soft like heaven her arm warped itself softly around my waist pulling me into a comfortable distance. We started moving as the song progressed in the beginning it was kinda hard to follow her lead since we were both trying to lead, but eventually I gave up.

The lights in the ballroom dimmed a little I couldn't help but to stare into those beautiful brown eyes. They weren't lying when they said'The eyes tells the life story'.

Just by looking into her eyes I saw every possible emotion she could possibly be dealing with, there was a sense of softness but hardness, warm, but cold.

Silver is a strong woman no doubt overly possessive to. It could be seen as something sweet, but dangerous at the same time. Call me what you wanna but I don't really blame her for reacting the way she did.

I mean I probably would've done the same thing Skylar, and Silver had so much love for each other anyone could see it. They're the perfect match for each other.

They're like your idol power couple that be in the movies, the one that every watcher wanna be.
Their personality are so much alike yet so different.

They're the couple that everyone would die to have.... Shit even I would it's an even balance a mixer of hot& Cold.

It made me kind wish I had my soul person I believe everyone has one or a few even. That one person that makes you feel alive.

They're like a lightbulb that just lit up your whole entire world, the person that's there for you through the dark times, the hard times, the times where you don't feel like yourself.

They're there for you when you're up, and when you're down, and when you're so down that you can't seem to pull yourself up by yourself they're there to help you.

What I'm tryna say is I kinda wish I had someone who loved me so much that they would risk it all, and wouldn't second guess it at all.

I snapped out of my dreadful trance as I heard the sound of hands clapping I looked around, and saw a bunch of people staring at me and Silver with a warm smile on their faces as if we just told the most beautiful story ever.

I smiled awkwardly before walking off leaving Silver to talk to some of the others.

It suddenly got quite cold in the building I shivered a little as I made my way outside the outdoor was lit up by beautiful lights it was so warming.

Truly I felt like I was in a fairy tale everything felt so surreal like it wasn't even happening for real. I walked around thinking.

I couldn't help but feel this empty feeling in my heart I didn't use to always feel like this well.... At least not until Blake passed away she always knew how to make the dark thoughts go away.

Blake was that soul person for me.... No it wasn't romantic but she was my other person that I didn't know I needed.

Our souls were bounded on a different level that no one could possibly understand, I was her hot she was my cold. She was the person that lit up my whole room when it was so dark.

She was MY person.

You never know how lonely you are till you get around others who seems to have everything that your missing. You never realize how unfortunate you are.

I lost so much motivation when Blake left me I felt as if someone had ripped my heart out and stomped on it repeatedly, and with each stomped the pain got worse and worse.

I tried to be that bright energy that everyone wanted, I tried to forgive, I tried to forget, I tried and I tried and I tried.

But sometimes you get to the point where you can't anymore sometimes trying all the damn time gets tiring.

Today is Blake death day that's mostly the reason why I agreed to come out with them, I knew if I stayed home I would've lost my freaking mind by now.

Life is really fucked up, and so unfair.

I didn't notice I was crying till I felt the wetness drop onto my hands I hurriedly and wiped my face I went to the nearest bathroom to get myself together.

Once I looked into the mirror I wanted to break down even more, I didn't recognize myself at all.
I wasn't myself in this moment and I didn't know what to do about it.

I hate when the shit happens all of the emotions just hits me all at once and there's nothing I can do about it but let myself feel it.

My phone ringed as I got a notification from my mom asking how was I holding up I told her what I always say.

'I'm fine'..........

Songs I listened to while writing this

Ocean Eyes - Billie Eillish
Hostage - Billie Eillish
Idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eillish
&burn - Billie Eillish
Diamond- Rihanna

Excuse any mistakes🩶

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