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                                  -Boys POV-
        We all watched as Kylie rode off on her bike.

"So what'd y'all think about her?" Two-bit asked.

"Hot," Dally said, "but something seems off."

"What you talking about Dal?" Steve said.

"I mean she's cool n all but, I don't know man. Something don't feel right ya know."

"Yea whatever man," Soda said, "I think she's great."

"Yea she sure is sweet," Johnny added.

"Yea but I wouldn't want to get on her bad side," Two said, "Did y'all hear what she did to Randy?"

They all shook their heads no.

"Apparently he was bothering her so she kicked him right where the sun don't shine."

"Damn." Steve said laughing.

Then the gang just talked the rest of the night.

Kylie's POV-

         I woke up pretty early again. It was Saturday morning, but my parents had some big out of town thing so they still had to wake up early. Which of course means I had to also.

I got up and made breakfast, and we were all at the table eating in silence when my mom spoke up.

"We're not going to be coming home this weekend, we're staying in a hotel closer to our work event. So you'll be here alone."

"okay." I said with a straight face. Even though on the inside I was filled with joy. No parents for two days.

"This house better be in its best condition when we get back. I don't know what your going to be doing alone but it better consist of cleaning this house from top to bottom. Do you understand?" My dad threatened.

"yes." I said quietly.

"What was that?" he said.

"I said yes." I spoke a little louder.

"Did you just yell at me you little shit?"

I rolled my eyes. BIG mistake. Why do I do that so much. I swear my eyes are going to be stuck back there one day.

My heart rate picked up as my dad jumped out of his seat. I stood up and started backing away. I mean he is going to be gone for two days, guess he's got to get all his anger out now.

'Just one more time, then your free for two days.' I told myself.

That's when the swinging started. I made sure to protect my face the most considering that's the hardest place to hide bruises. His kicking and punching lasted about ten minutes, until he got tired and went off. I just laid there waiting for them to leave. And when they finally did, I stood up and checked out the damage in the mirror.

Nothing on the face, thank goodness. Arms are a lot worse and so is my stomach. Oh well nothing I can't cover with a long sleeve. I iced my bruises for a little while before I decided to get up and go out.

I put on a nice long sleeve shirt, a pair of jeans and my shoes. Then I did my hair and makeup. I grabbed a backpack and put a jacket and a book in it, then I headed out the door. Not without my pocket knife though.


I ended up biking for about 17 minutes when I stumbled upon a park. The sun was just rising so I just sat down and watched it. I ended up throwing my jacket on too.

It was so peaceful out there. Watching the sunrise, all warm while reading a book. I mean come on.

I was about half way through my book when I heard a noise behind me. I grabbed my pocket knife and turned around as fast as possible.

"Whoa there Ky it's just us." Two-bit said.

Pony, Two-bit, Johnny, Steve, and Soda we're all standing behind me.

"Sorry bout that guys." I said while putting the knife away.

"Don't be, i'm glad you have that on you." Soda said with a smile.

I sat back down, and motioned for them to join me in my little spot, which they did.

"So what're you doin out here?" Pony asked.

"Had an early morning, so I decided to come out here and watch the sunrise. It was beautiful." I said with a smirk.

"I didn't wake up in time to see it." Pony said disappointingly.

"Well you still have tomorrow." I told him.

He just smiled.


We spent the next few hours talking and joking around.

"Do you guys wanna go back to my place? It's getting kinda cold out here." Soda said.

We all agreed and started walking to their house.

When we got in there Dally was sitting on the couch drinking a beer.

"Hey Dal." the guys said running in the room.

"Where've y'all been? I've been here for like 10 minutes." He stated.

"Wow, a full ten huh?" I asked him laughing.

"Oh shut it doll." He replied playfully.

I walked over, sat on the couch and put my feet on the table. Then Steve sat on the other side of me.

"Move over will ya." He said to me.

I rolled my eyes and moved over a bit towards Dally. Then Soda came in from the kitchen and squished his way by Steve.

"Can y'all make some room?" Soda said.

So I scooted down even more, and now I was squished between Steve and Dally. My face was probably beat red and I could feel it. I looked over at Dally and saw him smirking. I just stretched my feet out and watched Mickey mouse like everyone else.

After watching an episode or two, Pony spoke up.

"Anyone want to go to the Nightly Double with Johnny and I?"

"I'm in." Two said.

"What's the Nightly Double?" I asked.

"Man you really are new ain't ya. It's a drive in theater. Ya know like movies and stuff." Two told me.

"I'll go, I don't think I've ever been to an actual drive in before." I said.

They all just turned and looked at me.

"What?" I asked with a confused face.

"You've really never been to one?" Soda asks.

I just shook my head.

"You gatta go now." Pony said.

"Yea okay i'll go."

And it was settled.

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