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                   ⚠️tw- assault and r*pe

          My eyes fluttered awake and I realized I wasn't at my house. Then I remembered last night. I was at the Curtis house.

My feet were laying on Steve who was still sound asleep. Which means my head was on... Dally. My cheeks flushed red and I slowly sat up and looked over. Dally was still asleep also, now that I looked around, everyone was. The house was silent.

I got up and stretched, then walked quietly over to the kitchen. I'm awake, I might as well make some breakfast for everyone. So that's what I did.

I made pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"I didn't know you could cook?" someone said.

I turned around quickly and held my hand to my heart. It was Ponyboy. "yea I cook for my parents, thought i'd make yall something."

Then Soda walked in, "Smell's delicious." He walked over and took some food.

Then the rest of the boys woke up and started making their way to the kitchen.

"Yummm pancakes!" Two said.

"Thanks for making this Kylie," Johnny said.

The rest of the boys thanked me as well. I noticed everything was almost gone so I made a plate for Darry since he wasn't up yet.


Darry ended up waking up soon after, he was thankful for the food.

I started doing the dishes after everyone was done eating.

"oh you don't have to do that, it's our home." Darry said trying to help.

"It's okay, it's the least I could do since y'all let me crash here last night."
He just smiled at me while putting in the last dish.

"Wish the boys did the same." he said while laughing.

I started laughing too.


We were all sitting around the living room talking and watching tv.

"Whatcha wanna to do today?" Pony asked.

"I don't know man nothing legal." Dallas said.

Darry rolled his eyes. "You guys know better than to be gettin in trouble." He told the gang.
Some nodded while some rolled their eyes.

"Y'all wanna go to the dingo?" Pony asked.

They all agreed while I had a look of confusion on my face.
Johnny sees my face and tells me what the "dingo" is, "It's a diner, ya know like food and stuff."

"oh alright, fine by me." I told them.

"I think i'm just gonna stay here and rest, y'all be safe and stay out of trouble." Darrel tells us all.

"I'm probably going to go home after the diner, so thank you for letting me stay at your house." I told him with a smile.

"It's no problem Kylie, the doors always open. You're welcome to come by anytime!" He assures.

I thank him again then we were out the door.


Apparently this place is in the middle of both territories so I needed to stay near one of the boys at all time. They know I can handle myself but whatever.

Secrets- Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now