Rough nights

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      I took a deep breath and walked in to my house.

  "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" My dad screamed, "and where the hell is my dinner at?!"

"Someone stole my bike, but I found it so it's okay." I reassured him.

"You what?" My father said in a stern voice.

"Someone cut my lock off of my bike, then I got jumped. It's not my fault!" I pleaded.

"Who are you yelling at like that?" My dad said as he started walking over to me.

My heart rate went up and I started backing away slowly.

"She's had an attitude all day, yelled at me this morning for trying to get her to school." My mom added.

I looked at her with disbelief. Way to throw gasoline on the already burning fire bitch.

My dad walked up closer and closer until I was up against the wall and he was towering over me.

"You are never going to learn are you kid." My dad whispered.

Then he turned back around. But before I could even realize what was going on, he turned around faster than ever and socked me in the face. Then again, and again until I was on the floor. Then he kicked me everywhere until I couldn't move. I thought he was done, but I should have known better. He grabbed his beer bottle and chucked it at me. I tried to protect my face the best I could by rolling over which just ended in the bottle shattering all over my body. Then he walked over to me,

"You talk to me or your mother like that again and i'll kill you." He threatened.

Then he kicked me in the face as hard as he could and everything went black.

My parents threaten to kill me every time, but they never will. Well not on purpose at least. They need me.

Long story short when my grandparents died they gave me all their money. My parents are already "rich" but they won't even have to work when they get my money. I don't get access to it until i'm 18, and neither can they. So until then i'm safe. I'm 16 which still gives me two years.


        By the time I woke up it was still dark outside. I looked over to the clock and saw it was 2:00am. I groaned and sat up. The place was a mess, I was a mess. My head was spinning but I knew I had to clean everything before my parents woke up. So that's how I spent the rest of my night.

I started off by cleaning myself up and taking the glass out of my arms. Then I took a shower and got changed.

By the time everything was cleaned up down stairs I realized the time was 5:00am. My parents would be up in less than an hour, I rolled my eyes then silently went up stairs to get changed. Then I came back down stairs and started making breakfast. Just in time too because I heard my parents alarm going off. They get ready pretty fast so i'd expect them to be downstairs any minute now.

I put the eggs and bacon on the plates and started on the toast.

The toast popped up right when my parents were walking down the steps, perfect timing.

"Look who's already awake." My mom said with a smile.

I turned around and rolled my eyes as I spread the last bit of jelly on their toast. Then I walked their plates over to them as they sat down.

"Now go get ready, school starts soon and you look like a disaster." My dad says.

I just smiled and went up stairs after cleaning up the kitchen.
I ended up changing again. Then I did light makeup and covered the bruise's on my face as best as I could. You could still sort of see it but it's better than it was. After I was done getting ready I walked outside and jumped on my bike.

'Great, another school day.' I thought. Then I rode off to hell.

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