Chapter 19 - Heard they're endearing

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Hobie pulled me to the side, leaving Miles on the ledge so we could talk behind some solar panels. He was holding my upper arm loosely and led me gently, no tugging.

"What happened to you, Y/n?" Hobie asks, tilting his head slightly to look for injuries. His voice was hushed and quiet. "I told him I was going home. I came here instead. He won't look for us, Hobie. Please don't worry." I say, patting his shoulder.

"Why're you being so nice about him?" He asks. "All he's done is hurt you and tell you what to do. Why did you go with him?" He lightly brushes my hand away.

I started to explain about his Miguel looked, sounded and in some ways acted like my father, and how I had a curiosity to speak with at least a reflection of him once more. His face still held frustration, but the stone crumbled, softened.

He lets out a deep breath he seemed to be holding in. "Okay. I'm sorry about your dad, but..." He begins to say, looking away. "I'm just sorry, okay?" He says. His voice was stiffened and solid.

"It's alright. It's part of the job, right?" I say, shrugging. He lightly nods.

"We need to get back to the kid." He says, shrugging, letting out a a short laugh. I nod in response, no words really needed. I hope he drops this.

He walks off first, towards Miles, sitting in a different position on the rooftop. He was fidgeting with his fingers, looking down. Was he deep in thought, or devoid of them? It was hard to tell.

I walked over to him and rubbed his back. "Listen bud, in every law, there's a loophole. Like I said, the logic just doesn't make sense. We will save your dad, okay?" I say, trying to sound reassuring.

"Yeah, okay" he says, smiling. I nod and offer him a fist bump. "I just learnt what these are. I hear they're endearing" I say, smiling. He chuckles and returns the gesture.

"Got any place for us to stay?" Hobie asks. "I've had enough of sleeping in the streets, y'know?" He says, half joking. Miles nods. "Maybe my place? If we wait there, maybe my dad will come back and we can take him somewhere." Miles smile, hopefully. I nod. "Sounds like a great idea".

And so we went, swinging through the lit city of New York, and I was catching differences and similarities between our homes. It also had building that twinkled like the stars above, almost like a mirror to the cosmos. It also had billboards, signs, big markets as well as small hole in wall shops. The same shadows, dark alleys and dodgy warehouses.

And the people.

They're just as lively, free and different as back home. I love looking at people on the streets and thinking:
They have their own universe. In their head.

It's beautiful, truly bliss. This is one of the reasons I love being Monarch. It brings solace to the world today. We soon arrive at an everyday apartment, similar to the ones back home.

He opened what is probably his bedroom window and let us in. His room was beyond cool.

It was a chaotic mess. Easels, canvases, scrawled notes and clothes were everywhere. He had shelves stacked with various notes and weighed down by many action figures I'd never seen before. It was colourful. It was really nice, my kind of room.

I laugh and sit on his bed, taking my mask off and taking a deep breath. "This hand me down Spidersuit kinda stinks. I wonder if they wash them" I state, looking at my mask. Miles perked up and smiled at me.

"I have some! My Spiderman's Aunt May gave me some when she moved away to Florida." He says. "I may have decorated some of them... Yeah, I paint." He brags, crossing his arms. He had a childish smirk on, the kind you'd see on a child showing a painting they made.

He opened a suitcase holed up under his messy bed, and showed me the selection. They were all pretty basic Spiderman designs, some with different themes and colours.

One was a dark purple and black, with a spider symbol, but it was slightly more exaggerated, depth added to it.

One was red and yellow, with the spider insignia's legs stretching over the shoulders and around the waist to meet at the back.

And there was another that caught my eye. A white and teal one with small pink accents at the sharp cut edge of the contrasting colours when they met.

"Hmmm..." I hum, tapping my chin. They boys waited in anticipation for my choice in suit.


A/N: Please leave a comment for which suit you want, I'll pick based on vote.

Also, chapters may come out slower as I have important exams coming up. Sorry guys :(

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