Chapter 14 - He isn't my dad

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I was wiping the tears from my eyes. I can't believe what he just showed me.

Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again was truly a moving movie. I was sat on a large beanbag in front of a large screen with a massive tub of Spiderman-themed ice cream. I looked over to Dad 2.0 next to me, who was looking up at the screen every now and again, but still typing on his computer.

He at least put in the effort to sit next to me on a slightly bigger beanbag. As the credits rolled, I got an uncomfortable feeling. The alarm suddenly rang, making me cover my ears and let out a scream.

Miguel growled and used his watch to turn Lila on. "Gonna put the fact you turned me off aside. We have a serious situation down in main HQ!" Lila yelled, but not in her usual chirpy tone. "Shit. Okay. Y/n, stay put!" Miguel yells, pointing at me. He runs out the room. And just like that, I was sitting on a beanbag, with ABBA so far blasting in the background and the screen as my only source of light.

I could hear explosions and yelling from outside.

Screw this, I'm not staying put!

I open the door and take a peek outside. I see utter chaos. Spidermen running, some away and some towards the source of the explosions. I run to the centre of the action.

To be honest, I didn't see the big deal. He looked like a villain of the week. He was much bigger than any of the Spidermen around, scaly and dirty. He was whipping round frantically, spraying what seemed to be acid from under its long tongue. It could see Dad 2.0 trying to calm other spiders down and yelling into his watch presumably for backup. He had his suit on now.

The monster suddenly turned its head towards me. "YOU!" It bellowed. "Me?" I ask, looking behind me, then back at it. In the time it took to check behind me, it had already tackled me to the ground. It's mouth was agape, slime falling from the back of it's throat onto my face.


It pulled it's tongue back, and I managed to move my head out the way before he shot acid into the ground next to my slightly singed cheek, causing a sizzle. It prepared to do it again when I shot a web down it's throat. "What's your problem, huh?!" I scream and struggle against the class digging into my wrists.

In a flash, Dad 2.0 tackles the great beast, somehow bigger than him, off of me, and began to slash at him like some... animal. Not only did I just realise now he had talons, he was attacking the beast with them. Ruthlessly. Ripping into its green skin, like he wanted to kill it.

"Dad! Stop!" I yell, a small crack in my voice. I will admit, I was terrified. Terrified of him. How easily he could have done that to me if I pissed him off too much. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked towards me. His mask was still on, bit I could tell his eyes were wild, like a threatened rabid lion.

"What're you doing?!" I scream, and run to the beast which was now unconscious on the floor. Dad 2.0 didn't have anything to say. He continued to hold the beast down, but as I sat next to it, he was looking at me. "We had a breach... the monster used it's acid to break down the shields, and..." he tried to explain. He wasn't shaking as much as I was, but I could see a lot of hesitation.

"Just... calm down, okay?" I say putting up my hands. A bunch of Spidermen were now crowded around us, looking at me, Dad 2.0, and the newly vanquished beast. I checked it's pulse. It was alive. "Does he have to die?" I ask, looking into the dark blue voids where his eyes should be. He looked down to his watch and pressed some buttons. Some medics came through and swiftly carried away the body.

I was sat, on the floor in the middle of this massive building with a man who looks like my dad but ISN'T my dad. He isn't.

"It was going to kill you! A thank you?!" He begins to shout, scolding. "I was handling myself fine! Couldn't you see that?!" I yell back. Dad 2.0 looks around the room, at all the spiders, then back at me. He grabs the collar of my suit and drags me back to his office.

And there I was, like how we just met, sitting on his chair at his desk. I was looking at him warily. He must have caught on and took off his mask, letting his hair fall back into place.


A/N: GCSEs suck, sorry for the slow updates 😅

An Old Aching Heart (Father!Miguel and Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora