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"I'm sorry."

"Hmm? What are you sorry for, Helena?"

"Well, everything. If you didn't know me, I wouldn't have stared at you, I would have left you alone, I wouldn't have gotten pregnant, we wouldn't have moved in together, and I wouldn't have dragged you into the forest yesterday... Then none of this would have happened."

"Hey! Never say that again! Got it? I love you more than anything, and I love our two children. Sure, I never wanted to become a mother so early, but I'm incredibly happy with the situation now! Of course, I wanted to tell my parents in person, and I didn't want them to find out through the newspaper, let alone with so much drama. But if they had bothered to contact me during their business trip, congratulated me on my first lead role in a film directed by Tim and Gary, I would have told them. They don't have time for me anyway. And I don't matter to them. At first, I was their pride and joy, but as soon as I made a mistake, I was a huge disappointment. When they do reach out, they'd better keep it low-key! At the premiere of 'Ocean's 8,' we'll set the record straight and make all the reporters look foolish. I know my mother will post a story about me appearing on TV, tag me, and express her pride, so that's how she'll find out." Helena looks at me with a somewhat sad expression.

"Just come over now! Come cuddle. Tomorrow is a new day. And in three weeks, we'll be back home. Until then, let's take good care of ourselves, okay?" Hellie agrees, and we fall asleep.

The next few weeks are uneventful. I'm on set every other day, and we can't go out as much because our fans follow us everywhere. In the jet, I sleep in the front compartment as Damion has been crying, and I've been comforting him for the past few nights. Now it's Helena's turn.

"Sweetheart, we're here."

"Just 5 more minutes," I mumble, but I get up relatively quickly and head to our car. Of course, there are many reporters there wanting to take pictures. I'm holding Damion, wrapped in a blanket to hide him from view and protect him from the flashing cameras. Security staff arrives immediately to assist and shield us. We get into the car, and I hold Damion even closer, afraid someone might see him.

"Hey, babe! You're squeezing him too much! Take it easy!" She tries to take him from me, but I won't let go. I can't risk him being exposed!

"Hey, hey. Is everything okay? Honey?" I eventually respond and hand him over to her.

At home, the gate is closed, and all the reporters and people are waiting outside. Security calls for backup, and about an hour later, they are all gone. I quickly go upstairs to calm down.

"What's wrong with Kaydi? She doesn't even say hello... Is everything okay with her?" Elena asks right away. I hear Hellie telling her the story of my childhood. A little later, Helena comes upstairs.

"Hey, babe. Are you feeling better now? If I had known how much it was bothering you, I would have done something about it, okay? I didn't realize how much it was affecting you." We talk for a while about my past, which is quite therapeutic.

In the evening, we go to bed as usual, and I fall asleep relatively quickly. The baby is not very active today, so I sleep very well.

"Sweetie, wake up," I'm woken up. I turn on my side, which startles the baby, and it kicks me, so I lie back as before. Hellie places her hand on my belly and strokes it.

"Come on, we have to be at the gynecologist in an hour." I quickly get up, shower, and take Shadow for a walk. Then I have some breakfast and coffee. About 45 minutes later, I'm in the car with Hellie, driving to the doctor.

"Everything looks good so far, and the baby is healthy and active. Do you want to know the gender?" Helena can't even get a word in because I interrupt.

"No, but can you put it in an envelope for us? I have a better idea."

"Of course, Miss Lee. It might take a while, though, as we don't have a printer at the moment, so we have to go next door, and it's quite busy there."

"No problem at all. Take your time. Maybe the reporters will leave by then," I whisper the last part, but they both hear it. The doctor leaves, and Helena looks at me questioningly.

"I want a gender reveal party. That way, we'll be prepared, and we can plan for the baby's room. Helena sighs.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to burden you too much. The premiere, the movie, the reporters, Shadow, and let's not forget Damion, who only you can really calm down. I don't want too much excitement for you; I want you to have some peace. The baby is always active and hurts you so much, but as soon as you have a quiet day, it's also calm and lets you sleep through."

"Oh, babe. Everything is fine, okay? I'll take care of our child and if you see that I'm not paying enough attention to it, then make me take a break. We can handle it! I love you." In the meantime, I've gotten dressed and removed the gel. Now I stand in front of Hellie and give her a kiss. A little while later, the doctor comes in and hands us the envelope. We head back into the paparazzi frenzy and get into our car.

"I hope this calms down in 4 days."

"Why in 4 days?"

"Oh, Hellie."


"In three days is the premiere. We'll just have an honest talk there, and at least then, it might calm down a bit." Hellie nods in agreement, and we drive back to the estate.

"A fête de genre, huh? And why? Well, of course, I have no objections, and I'd be honored to be a part of it!"

"I know, I know, and of course, you're invited. I want to know what it is because I'd like to plan and avoid the chaos we had with Damion. But just saying, 'Yes, it's a girl/boy!' feels too boring to me." Elena agrees with me, and we continue talking. Damion is in my arms during this time, playing with my hair. Eventually, the baby in me starts to move and pushes forward, which Damion notices and wants to cry at first, but then he stops and pats my belly with his small hands.

"I have a feeling he's going to take very good care of his sister or brother," Hellie gushes. I just nod and watch Damion as he eventually falls asleep with his hand on my belly. I carry him upstairs to our room, lay him on the bed, change him, and then go back to bed with him. There, we both fall asleep relatively quickly. Helena is still not tired, so she stays downstairs.


It's my Birthday!!!! Hope you like this on.

Is that possible? // English (Helena Bonham Carter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن