After we had eaten, and I had cleared the table, Helena went to change.

"This or this?" she asks me, and when I turn around, I freeze. In front of me stood the most beautiful being I had ever seen.

"Is everything okay? Oh, fuck! I should have said I'm standing here in just my underwear. Am I that ugly?"

"No, no! Not at all! You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! And I prefer the white shirt," I reassure her. She blushes like a tomato, thanks me, and quickly goes away, which makes me giggle.

"Can I sleep with you in your bed?" she asks me when I come into my bedroom and head towards the dressing room.

"Sure, of course!"

"Nice things, by the way."

"Thank you, but half of it doesn't belong to me." Helena looks at me, puzzled.

"Actually, my ex and now best friend lives in the annex, but her dressing room is being renovated, so her stuff is temporarily here with me. In two days, she'll take her stuff back to her place. And don't worry, you were looking in the right corner."

"Oh, I see. Well then."

"Were you worried there wouldn't be enough space for your clothes or something?" I chuckle, and Hellie turns her bright red head away. I walk to the bed and lie down on my side.

"Come on, or do you not want to anymore?" She just shakes her head and joins me in bed.

"Come closer; you're so cold!" I notice, and she does.

"You'll have to get used to it. Sorry."

"Stop apologizing and close your eyes." So she did. Not even 10 minutes later, she's quiet. I don't know if she's really asleep. With one hand, I'm close to her belly. So, I take my hand and place it on her stomach. It feels strange to touch her skin, but it feels 1,000,000% perfect! I slowly and lightly stroke her belly until I eventually fall asleep.

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm. Hellie is still asleep. Since we only have a scene this afternoon, we have plenty of time. I put on black hot pants and a white top and go downstairs, turning on the radio. "Premier Amour" by Nour is playing, my favorite song. I can speak French because my aunt (on my mother's side) lives in France. I used to spend my summers with her, so I learned French.

"Bonjour Avez-vous bien dormi? (Good Morning, did you sleep well?) " I ask Hellie as she comes into the kitchen.

"You can speak French?" she asks, surprised.

"Oui, parce que ma tante (côté maternel) habite en France, je peux parler français. J'allais chez elle en vacances quand j'étais jeune, alors j'ai appris le français. (Yes, because my aunt (on my mother's side) lives in France, I can speak French. When I was young, I always went to her house on vacation, and that's how I learned French.)"

"But I can hear your accent," she smiles.

"Why don't you say something, then? I want to hear what it sounds like without the accent. My aunt learned it just like I did."

"No, no. It sounds beautiful on you," she tries to evade, but I don't let her so she gives up.

"Qu'y a-t-il à manger? Et pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas réveillé, alors nous aurions pu préparer le petit déjeuner ensemble."

"Wow. Can you tell me what you said, maybe? I don't know all the words and such.", I ask.

"What's there to eat? And why didn't you wake me up, so we could have made breakfast together?" she responds.

"Thank you, but... what's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, French is your mother tongue, and you initially refused to say anything. So?"

"What if my mom doesn't like you because you're a woman?"

"Is she against it?"

"No, but she was so happy when I was with Tim. I'm afraid she might say something because of the child. I mean, I'm her only daughter."

"Yes, and? You said she always supported you and still does. She's getting a happy daughter and a grandchild. If she supports LGBTQ and has no problem with it, she won't say anything."

Hellie just nods. As we're about to go to the dining table, Helena suddenly stops, sets down the things, and rushes to the bathroom. I put my things down as well and follow her. She's hunched over the toilet, vomiting. I sit down next to her, holding her hair and stroking her back. After 5 minutes, she tries to get up, but she gets dizzy and quickly leans against the sink.

"Do you want something to drink? I made tea. Come and sit down first." I put the toilet seat down so she can sit, and I go to the kitchen to get her some tea.

"It could be hot."

"Thank you."

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah." I look at her intently.

"All right, but I still feel a little lightheaded, and I have a headache."

"That's all right. Come up; I'll help you to the couch. If it gets too much, let me know! I'll bring a bucket just in case," I insist and look at her sternly. She just nods, and I'm satisfied. Once we're on the couch, I hand her the blanket again, turn on the fireplace, and set the breakfast on the coffee table.

"Headache tablet?" I ask, and Hellie just nods. I give her one and inform the director about the situation. He cancels the shoot for today as he's also sick, so we have the day off, and Hellie can rest.

"Is everything all right?" Hellie asks me.

"Yes. The shoot has been canceled for today. Gary (the director) is also sick."

"Do you want to eat or sleep?" I ask.

"Sleep." I just nod, take my book, and start reading. After 30 minutes, I still feel Helena's gaze on me. I turn around and look directly into her brown eyes.

"I thought you wanted to sleep?"

"I can't sleep. Plus, you're much more interesting."

"What can I do so you can sleep, and both of you can rest?"

"Come to me and cuddle?" she asks me, sounding small.

"Okay, but only after you eat a little."

"Okay." She sits up, takes a pancake, and prepares some fruit with honey. After she's finished, I pull out the sofa, get the blanket and a pillow from our bedroom, and make the fireplace warmer.

"Come here," I say, spreading my arms. Hellie cuddles up, and soon, she's asleep. I continue to caress her for a while until sleep also takes over me.

Is that possible? // English (Helena Bonham Carter)Where stories live. Discover now