-Kaydi POV-

I am now in the fifth month. My belly is growing and growing, but you can't see anything because of my costume. Gary is taking over most of the directing right now because Tim "is not feeling well." I can't judge if it's true, but I say it's a lie. He's always away, and when there's a decision to be made, he leaves it to Gary. I hope that in the end, Garx gets the money. Nobody should be paid for impregnating an employee and then disappearing.

"What are you thinking about, honey? Today is Sunday, and we have the day off. Why don't we go for a walk and get some fresh air? You need to get used to it again. We'll be back home soon, and then you'll have to take care of Shadow again. Come on, eat up, and in the meantime, I'll get Damion ready," Helena interrupts my thoughts. So I finish my meal and get dressed, then I take our little baby from Helena and bring him to the car. I sit in the passenger seat and wait for Hellie. I've given up the battle for who drives the car. It doesn't really matter anyway. And she doesn't drive that badly now.

"Ready?" she asks when she gets in and starts the engine. I just nod and fasten my seatbelt. Hellie drives for about 30 minutes to the edge of a forest. We park, and there are quite a few cars in the parking lot.

"Don't worry. Most of them are on the main trails. Our route, however, takes us off the beaten path," she reassures me. I nod and assemble the stroller. Then I place Damion inside and create a kind of privacy shield on the sides. I didn't know how Hellie felt about it, but I don't want Damion to become known so early.

Very few people know about him in general. Of course, true active fans of us know that Helle was pregnant with a boy and that he is Tim's, but it's not widely known.

Hellie and I walk through the beautiful forest. It's a beautiful spring day. People here and there give us strange looks or recognize Hellie, but they don't approach us. After some time, we return to the main trails and walk back to the car because it's getting really exhausting. Hellie takes over pushing the stroller but also takes breaks with me.

In the evening, I lie completely exhausted in our apartment, which I booked, and watch TV. Damion sleeps soundly in his crib.

"Bae, can we please go to bed? I'm so tired!" I laugh. Hellie agrees, and we go to the bedroom. There, I lay on Hell's shoulder, and she puts her arm around me. With her other hand, she strokes my belly.

"I think it's going to be a girl! One who will be protected by Damion," I murmur.

"Why don't you want Damion to be seen in public yet? Or what was the privacy shield for?" Hellie asks.

"Oh, I don't know. Back then, I would have wanted my parents not to show me off so proudly in front of the cameras but to provide me with a normal, as far as possible, childhood. Now I love the attention and the fame and just life in general, but as a little girl, I found it terrible. My 'friends' would have been nothing but spoiled and obnoxious, annoying kids. Despite their young age, they flaunted their parents' money and couldn't get enough cash handed to them. All the cameras, all the kids who wanted to be friends with me, all the reporters who had to comment on every step I took, the constant minders to make sure nothing happened to me and that no one got too close...

It was just terrible for me, and I want Damion to decide for himself. And as long as he can't, I'll keep him out of the public eye."

"Alright, I had a normal childhood. Sure, some of my family members were somewhat known, but I was left alone. I'm very grateful that you told me that, and I'm fully on your side now." We continue talking until I fall asleep.

"Good morning," Hellie wakes me up. I just turn around and go back to sleep. I hear Hellie laughing.

"Hey, stop it. After all, I was the one who had to calm Damion down all night. You slept soundly. And when you were pregnant, I never chased you through the woods!" Helena stops laughing and cuddles up to me from behind, whispering an apology. About an hour later, I get up and get ready. Then I go to the kitchen and make coffee for both of us. I sit at the kitchen island and pick up my phone.

I choke on my coffee, which is why Helena rushes over to help me. After I've calmed down, I show Helena the article:

"Love or just an affair? The Harry Potter star Helena Bonham Carter (32) and the millionaire's daughter Kaydi Lee (21). An affair or something more?

Bonham Carter and Tim Burton (40) were supposed to be the perfect dream couple, but these pictures clearly show Carter kissing a pregnant woman, and it's none other than the millionaire Kaydi Lee. There is no official divorce between Carter and Burton yet, but neither is the relationship between the two women.

According to reports, Carter and Burton were together for financial reasons. Since Lee has millions in her bank account, it won't be a problem for Helena, but what about Tim? The director will soon release a new Netflix series called "Wednesday," in which Lee also plays a role. Does that mean anything? Are the three in a relationship, or are they cheating on each other? We'll keep you updated."

-Check the update?-

"Have you clicked on 'Check the update'?" Hellie asks me. I shake my head. She hands me my phone, and I tap on it. There, it says that Hellie and Tim have separated, and the divorce has been filed. I put my phone aside, which is currently flooded with messages. I have 99+ messages on Instagram and only 45 on WhatsApp. I put my phone aside and continue drinking my coffee. I later pack my things and go down to the lobby. Hundreds of people are standing outside taking photos. So, I put on my sunglasses and instruct the doorman to open the door. My manager rushes over and says that some people are even live-streaming. I gather all my acting skills and put on a convincingly genuine mask.

"Lee! Miss Lee!"

"What do you have to say about the article?"

"What will it be?"

"Who is the father?"

"What is the gender of Helena's child?"

"Are you a couple?"

"Is it an affair?"

"Do you have time for an interview?"

I walk along the fenced path to the car that will take me to the filming location. Many of my fans are standing on the sidelines, hoping for a meeting. I send Helena a message and advise her to stay inside. She replies that she already knows because the police and everyone are there, dispersing the crowd. She also watched it live on TV.

I arrive at the filming location where Gary is already waiting for me. He takes me aside and talks to me reassuringly. He has become a really good friend, and I am incredibly grateful for everything he does for me.

We shoot all the planned scenes and make good progress.


Since it's my birthday tomorrow, three chapters will be posted online this week!

Is that possible? // English (Helena Bonham Carter)Where stories live. Discover now