Part 11

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After hours of dancing people slowly started to head home.

Leah and Ritta approached me.
Leah-i hope you enjoyed your birthday party, Emmy worked so hard on it.
Ria-really, i still dont understand when and howww she had the time.
Ritta-not sure either, hahaha she has her secret leader tricks.
Ria-hahah yeah right. Well i am glad you enjoyed your time here.
Okay we are heading home then~see youuu! They said as they left through the door.
The only people left were me, Emmy, Chocol and Yoon.

They were all helping Emmy tide up. I also was helping but stepped aside because my phone started ringing.
It was a video call from my dad
Dad-heeey sweetheart, i saw all the videos. You look so beautiful, did you enjoy your party?
Ria-yesss, thank you so much. I really wish you were here.
Dad-i know, me too baby. Your mom is here, wanna talk to her? He passed the phone.
Mom-hello my sweet little angel, stop growing up pleaseee.
Ria-hahahah hello mom. As you wish, i will stop growing!
Mom-haha thank you, thank you. Seriously now, i am so happy for you. Me and your dad got busy this month and we couldn't be there with you. How about you come down here, what do you think?
Ria-oh, really??? Sure, why not!! I would more than happy to, when??
Mom-you can come this weekend, i dont mind. Oh and bring your girlfriend with you as well please.
Girlfrien—did Emmy say something..... i smiled and nodded, i willl!
Mom-is that Emmy there?? Let me see her!
I gave Emmy the phone. While talking to her Yoon came in the frame.
Mom-aaaah, is that her girlfriend??? Let me see her!
Emmy pointed the phone on Chocol. Chocol smlied and said hello but my mom interrupted her.
Mom-no, not her, her girlfriend!
Emmy-this is Ria's girlfriend Miss Tina.
Mom said no no the one i just saw, that was her!
Emmy-this one? She giggled and pointed the phone at Yoon. Yoon smiled and waved.
Mom-ohhh, yesssss, what a beauty. Pretty long curls, how tall are you cutie??
Mom-woooooow, she turned towards dad and said. Taller than Raul!!!
Ria-she looks taller on camera! I grabbed the phone embarrassed. I will call you later mom, i love you and dad a lot!
Mom-oh, okaaaay~ love you!!!
We hanged up, i looked around but Chocol was nowhere to be seen.
Ria-Emmy, did you see Chocol??
Emmy shrugged. Aaagh she must be upset because of what just happened.
I looked in the toilets but she wasnt there. I looked on the corridor, still nothing. I ran down the stairs and there she was.
The entrance of the building was made of window doors. I could see her crouched down smoking.
I walked outside and crouched next to her.
Ria-hey. I looked over at her. It was freezing, mist came out of our mouths as we spoke.
Chocol-hi...she continued looking away.
Ria-i am sorry—she interrupted me before i could finish my sentence.
Chocol-I am in love with you. She turned her head and looked at me with a serious expression. Every night in my bedroom I think about you. Every day wherever i am I can't take my mind off you. You have bewitched me, Ria.
i  was surprised of everything she just said. Speechless i just looked into her eyes.

She came closer, grabbed my face and we kissed.
Chocol-i will never leave your side. Will you be—
Ria-yes, i will be your girlfriend. I looked at her with my eyes wide open. I could feel my face warming up.
Chocol started laughing at me, you are so cute. She pulled me in and hugged me.
Chocol-wanna go home?
Ria-yes, lets go home.

🩶🍃To be continued...

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