part 13

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Unknown lady-I wasn't expecting you to be here!
ria-ohh...yeah we were just about to leave actually, hahah.
ria suddenly got up and dragged me by my sleeve. she looked at me and said it's getting late, hahaha.
unknown lady-wait, why leave so fast. i haven't heard from you in years I was getting worried she smiled at me then looked back at ria.
ria seemed uncomfortable.
ria-i have been doing well, no need to worry! she put on a fake smile as she was slowly trying to walk away.
unknown lady-oh, i knew i saw this face before, chocol??
unknown lady-yeaaahh, i —ria interrupted her before she could continue her sentence.
ria-if you don't mind, we are in a rush. she grabbed my hand and we walked out towards the parking lot.

chocol-what was that all about, who was she???
ria-long story, it's not that important.

we got in the car, the energy shifted ever since that lady popped out of nowhere. i tried to lighten the mood by changing the topic, playing music, making jokes but nothing worked. i never saw ria this irritated, it made me feel nervous as she never kept any secrets from me.

ria-where are we heading?
chocol-my place. i said as i smiled at her.
ria brushed her hair out of her face and sighed.
ria-can you please drop me off to my place, i have to pack up my clothes.
chocol-oooh, right! you are going up to ur parents right?
ria nodded.
chocol-am i invited, i remember them mentioning that.
ria-ummmm, i will have to see... i will let you know.
as soon as we arrived she gave me a kiss and left without looking back. her kiss left a cold feeling on my lips, something wasn't right about that lady. i tried to distract myself and tell myself everything was fine.


on the call with emmy

ria-why was she there uuughhh
emmy-do you think she has been stalking on you all along, that can't be real i two ended things a year ago...right???
ria-yeaaah, why can't she just leave me alone, she always pops back in my life and ruins everything.
emmy-what about chocol, did you tell her anything??
ria-i couldn't even look in her eyes, how am i even supposed to go about it. "oh so sorry, i have a crazy lady following me around twice a year randomly when she gets bored and tries to stir shit up just to see me break down because she gets off it."
emmy-yeaaah...hahahah it doesn't sound good but she will be on your side 100%. i don't see why she would hate on you.
ria-its not just that...she seemed to know chocol...
emmy-oh. shit.
ria-yeah... oh she is calling. i will call you later!

chocol-hey, i am sorry if i did—
ria-nooo, noo, i was acting weird, it's my fault. i am so sorry.
chocol-how are you feeling?
ria-better...still packing.
chocol-aaah, do you need help???
ria-i think i will be fine, it was such a short notice but i think i really needed this.
chocol-you are right, you have been working so hard lately.
it was quite for a few moments then we spoke in the same time, making out voices overlap.
ria-i want to go alon—
chocol-can i join you—
chocol-hahahha thats fine, i will go now...umm i have something to do.
ria-oh, okay. mwah, bye— the call ended abruptly. she is upset....

a few hours later emmy called

emmy-i am downstairs, let me know when you are ready.
ria-oooh, just finished. i will be down in a sec!!

i rushed around the house making sure every window is closed and no lights are on, then i locked the door and rushed down the stairs.

emmy-heeeey!! she helped me put my bags in the car then we drove off to the train station.
emmy-how did the call with chocol go?
ria-not that well, i am giving her some space...i kinda upset her.
emmy-aaagh come on ria, hoooow??
ria-she wanted to come but i wanted to go that whole thing at the aquarium and in the car, i know its all my fault. i will take care of it once my mind is calmer.
emmy-i see...please be honest with her, running away will only overcomplicate things.
emmy-oh here we areee!!
ria-thank you so much!
emmy-do you need help to carry the bags to the train?
ria-i think i will be fine, thank you!
emmy-okay be safe, text me when you get there. tell your parents i said hi!!!
ria-byebyeee, love you!!

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