Ice skating

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It had been half a week since I last saw Billie and was surprised when I saw that he had texted me.


Billie - hey we haven't hung out in a while do you wanna meet up today?

Y/n - yeah sure what time?

Billie - 1 pm maybe?

Y/n - yeah that works for me!

Billie - alright see you then

Y/n - wait where are we going to meet up?

Billie - oh I was thinking we could go to the park and then to my house and play Mario cart?

Y/n - Yeah sure!

*end of texting*

I was lucky he texted me today because now I don't have to lie to alex where I'm going since his not home until tomorrow. Now I just needed to decide what I want to do for the next 2 hours since I was already done. I decided to set an alarm for when I need to leave and then watch tiktok until then.

Almost 2 hours had gone by already and I went to put on my shoes and then I left. I was walking towards the park guessing it was that one we were meeting up at. I then see a guy sitting on a bench in the park I could tell it was Billie because of his blue hair.


I watch as he look around confused because he didn't see me at first but when he saw me. He ran towards me and I almost fell over as he hugged me. We laughed it of and started walking around in the park.

Billie then picked up a flower and put it in my hair.

Y/n - why are you laughing?

Billie - wait stand still!

He then took a picture of me where I looked confused with a tiny flower in my hair it did kind of look funny not gonna lie.

After we had walked around in the park talking and laughing with each other my phone started ringing.

Billie - did you put our song 'only of you' as your ringtone?

Y/n - maybe... It's a good song okay!

Billie - ha ha ha! it's okay I understand it is a good song. The meaning makes it so beautiful too.

Y/n - who is it about?

Billie - what!? I didn't say it was about someone.

Y/n - well it's obvious in the lyrics that its about someone. So who is it?

Billie - well it was about someone but she broke up with me shortly after we released the album so.

Y/n - oh I'm sorry to hear that

Billie - no it's fine. Now I although think the song could be about someone else I like.

Y/n - who do yo-

My phone started ringing again. I answers and realised it was kris.

Kris - how dare you miss my call!?

Y/n - I'm sorry! Do you forgive me? It won't happen again!

Kris - of course I always forgive you!

Y/n - thanks! So why are you calling?

Kris - oh I wanted to ask if you wanted to go ice skating whenever your free today?

Y/n - oh I'm with Billie now. One second.

Billie - hmm I heard my name?

Y/n - oh yeah Kris asked if I wanted to go ice skating with her do you wanna come with?

BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now