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*Y/n pov*

I woke up feeling a bit better from feeling like shit yesterday. I turn to Billie seeing that he was still asleep. I start to look through my phone and waiting for Billie to wake up.

*two hours later*

I hear Billie move around and then he opens his eyes. I didn't notice that I was starring right into his eyes, but I have never really noticed how green Billies eyes were, I mean they were beautiful, almost as if they weren't real.

Billie - hello, earth to y/n!

Y/n - what? Hello?

Billie - are you okay? I've been calling your name for like a minute, you good?

Holy was I zoned out while starring at his eyes!?

Y/n - oh um. I'm fine, I think. Im probably just tired idk.

He looked worried but tried to forget it by telling me that he was going on tour this weekend and was going to be on tour for almost a year. I don't know what I looked like when he said that but I think I looked pretty shocked. What would I do alone for a year!? I can't be away from him for that long.

Billie - I'm sorry but I have to go.

Y/n - I know. I'm just thinking of what I'm going to do without you for almost a year.

Billie - I really tried to get my manager to allow me to bring you with but we are only allowed to bring familly or partners.

Y/n - oh well I could maybe try and convince your manager so that I can come with?

Billie - we are having a face time call with Mike, Tre and our manager to plan on when we are going to the airport on Saturday. So you could be there too and try and convince him I guess.

I agreed to this since what else was I supposed to do just sit here and deal with that I can't come with? No.
The call meeting was in about an hour so I got ready so that it didn't look like I just woke up, Billie also got ready.

*an hour later*

The meeting was about to start and I was feeling a bit nauseous and  anxious at the same time, I quess I still was a bit sick from yesterday. The meeting started and I tried to look as happy as possible. It started of with them just talking I don't really know about what, I wasn't listening. But then Billie asked his manager if I could try and convince him so that I could be able to come with to the tour.

Y/n - oh um so, I should come with because I don't know what to do alone for a year. And before you say anything about my friends um my friend kris is in iceland on vacation so um that's one friend I can't hang out with during this year and my um family kind of don't want to see me right now since they really don't like that I broke up with my ex boyfriend Alex because they really liked him and thought he was a nice guy for me. So um yeah i-

Manager - okay I think this will be the one time and one time only that I will let you come with to tour.

Billie - wait really!?

I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying since I was really exited and happy that I convinced him to let me go to tour with them. All I could see was that Billie was happy and thanking the manager, and then mike and Tre was also really excited I don't really know why to be honest.
The meeting then ended and I came back to reality. And Billie was still really happy. He was talking gibberish for me, but from the very few words I heard I guessed that he wanted me to decide what I wanted to take with me since we were going to be gone for a while.

I then went to the bedroom to take out all the clothes I have and put them on the floor and start to decide what I wanted to bring with me to the tour and put those in a pile by my traveling bag along with some comfortable clothes to have on the plane. I then pack down most things I need to bring with me but left some things to pack later since I got tired from packing and we were leaving in two days so I was going to do it tomorrow.

Neither I or Billie wanted to do anything so we just sat by the dining table and played card games rest of the day.

It eventually got late and we decided to go to sleep.

BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now