going home / famous

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*y/n's pov*

I woke up and checked the time, it was 5am. We were leaving in 4 hours, so Billie should wake up in 1-2 hours right? I carefully get out of bed and get ready but then I just sat in the bed and just taking in that a couple of months ago I was together with alex but also crazy in love with Billie. And now, I'm dating the guy that I love more than anything else.

*about an hour late*

I heard Billie saying something but couldn't tell what he said. I then hear him say good morning but he didn't get up and he stayed quite after that.

Another 30 minutes pass and Billie finally wakes up fully.

Y/n - good morning, again.

Billie - go- again?

Y/n - you said good morning in your sleep before.

Billie - well I guess I don't have to say it again then

He then gets ready and we hear a loud knock on the door. It was Mike and Tré and they were telling us to hurry up if we wanted to have time to eat breakfast. We ran down stairs to where Mike and Tré was already eating breakfast.

We ate breakfast and then went to the airport. When the plane arrived we got on it and found our seats. We ones again was in a plane flying home for almost 8 hours.
The plane landed and we got of. We then go to our cars and drive home.

When we arrived home we put our luggage on he floor to unpack some other day.

Y/n - is it okay if I tell Kris we're dating now?

Billie - yeah sure, I was actually going to ask if I could tell Mike and Tré. Even though they probably already know.

I then go to the bedroom and call Kris. I could hear Billie calling someone and I'm quessing he called Mike and Tré.

Kris - OMG Y/N! I haven't heard from you in a while

Y/n - I have something to tell you.

Kris - What happened? Is everything okay?

Y/n - yeah everything is fine. But y'know I went to tour with Billie, Mike and Tré right?

Kris - yeah?

Y/n - and um Billie asked me out.

Kris - OMG!

Y/n - so y'know we're dating now...


I and Kris then talked for a while. And eventually Billie comes into the bedroom to tell me that he has now told Mike and Tré that we're dating. And what they said to that was 'we know'.

I ended my call with Kris and shortly after that I and Billie fell asleep

We wake up the next morning to Billie's phone blowing up with notifications from Mike. He told us to check Spotify. I then move closer to Billie to be able to see his phone screen.

Billie - omg

Y/n - what?

Billie - dookie.

Y/n - what happened?

Billie - it has almost 200 million streams already

Y/n - 2- 200 MILLION!?

Billie - yeah

After Billie had been freaking out from the success of dookie, he then started to tell me about his idea for their next album. He asks if I wanted to hear the little bit of a song from the album. I of course say yes and he then takes his guitar and starts playing the song. He started of with singing "I'm having trouble trying to sleep". He then played the song for a minute and that was about as far he had gotten with the album.

He still didn't know what to call the album. He asked if I had any good examples for a name. I then think of what he sang about and then relized that the lyrics was kind of about insomnia.

Y/n - insomnia maybe?

Billie - hmm its a start but it doesn't really hit as an album name, y'know?

We sit quiet for a couple of minutes and then I thought of the name.

Y/n - maybe insomniac?

Billie - yeah that could work.

He then writes the name down in his phone so he wouldn't forget it.

He told me that he needed to go down to the studio so he, Mike and Tré could brainstorm about the new album.

His phone then rang and it was Mike that then told him to leave to the studio. He then left and someone was calling me, it was kris. She asked if I wanted to come with to the shopping center. I agreed to go and we were meeting up in an hour, so I got ready and then left.

When I arrived I saw kris and we walked into the shopping center.

We found a record store and ran inside it. We looked around but didn't find anything we liked, until. We was walking out of the store but before we got out I saw a dookie vinyl. I got happy that they are already selling in local stores. I brought it.

We had walked around in different stores for a while and we got hungry. So we went to a small café and ordered a coffee and something to eat. When we had eaten our food I then thought I saw Alex in the distance, but I hoped that it was just some random guy. He then walked towards us and I panicked.

Y/n - can we leave? Like now

Kris - why? Is everything okay?

Y/n - can we leave and I'll tell you

Kris - Oh okay

We then left and I kind of dragged Kris with me cause I wanted to get out of there.

Kris - Hey what's going on?

Y/n - I saw Alex.

Kris - what?

Y/n - yea-

I then froze cause I saw Alex behind Kris. I then signed to Kris to turn around.

Kris - the hell you doing here?

Alex - can I talk to y/n?

Kris - No! Now leave

Kris then grabbed my arm and we speed walked away. I turned around and saw that Alex was following us. I then stopped and turned around.

Kris - what are you doing?

Y/n - I wanna see what he wants to say.

Kris - what no. Y/n!

Alex then aproched me and stayed quiet for a bit.

Alex - So how life now?

Y/n - Amazing?

Alex - you're not with Billie are you guys not friends anymore?

Y/n - oh he is in the studio right now and we're not friends we're dating.

Alex - what!? You like that punk and not me!?

Y/n - he's kinder and not as controlling

Alex - I'm not controlling!

Y/n - you barley let me hang out with friends

Alex - cause what if you would of cheated on me

Y/n - controlling, ALSO I would never cheat. Now bye

I then leave and Kris follow me. We take the buss home and Alex didn't follow me this time. When I got home Billie was already home. He saw that I looked worried and asked what happened. I then explained that I was at the shopping center with Kris and that we saw Alex there. I tell him what Alex said and he looked kinda mad. But he tried to change the mood by telling me that they were done writing down some of the songs for the new album.

BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now