Chapter 3

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"He must like my cold temperature." Zane thought. "I should let him sleep for approximately an hour and a half for proper REM sleep." Zane reasoned in his mind before closing his eyes and cuddling with Kai, blushing a bit. "Warm." Zane thought happily before setting a timer and entering sleep mode.


Zane awoke approximately two minutes before his timer went off, once it had gone off he woke Kai gently and gave him a few minutes to wake up before politely asking "Where would you like to eat, Kai?"

"Dunno, we could walk just around until we find a place I guess." Kai suggested, evidently still feeling miserable from the break-up.

"That's a good idea the fresh air will likely improve your mood too." Zane stated gladly.

They meandered about for about an hour before stumbling upon a restaurant called

"Eddie's Sushi?" Kai though aloud "Beats going to a noodle house, I don't wanna go near any of those for a while." He said as tears glazed over his eyes, threating to spill over once more.

"If that's what you want, Kai." Zane stated as the two walked over towards the restaurant.

Zane smiled fondly as he held the door open for the fire ninja. "After you." He said.

Zane failed to take notice of the fact that he had made the brunette's face turn scarlet.

Once they had both sat down on opposite sides of the booth and placed their orders Kai let out a sad sigh, Zane could tell he was thinking about Skylor and it made him sad too, poor Kai was miserable and Skylor didn't even give any reason.

"What is on your mind, Kai?" The nindroid asked, reaching his hand out and holding onto Kai's.

Kai's face reddened a little at this before he sighed and said "Am I really not good enough?" he sniffled a little. "There must've been some reason she left me right?" He paused "...Right?"

"Kai, of course you are good enough, she just did not see it." Zane said trying to subdue Kai's sadness.

"Maybe I wasn't strong enough? Or maybe I was too stubborn and stupid? Maybe she got fed up with me relapsing?" Kai said, trying to make any sense of why, it seemed to him like she did it without rhyme or reason.

"Hah." He said "I'll probably never be good enough for anyone." he continued, "It's probably all my fault, I'm a shitty excuse of a ninja." he started crying again before swiftly wiping his tears away and saying aloud to himself "Man up Kai, you're the master of fire, not the master of tears."

Zane moved over to the side where Kai was sitting and told him "Kai, it is okay to grieve, it was sudden and she gave you no explanation."

Kai glanced at Zane before looking over to the wall, attempting to wipe the tears from his face soon as they left his eyes, trying not to make a sound that would give away his not-so-subtle crying.

Zane attempted to hug Kai to calm him down but Kai pulled away, "I don't like hugs." he stated.

"Interesting." Zane said, attempting to shoot his shot and lighten the mood "You do in your sleep." he chuckled a little.

"How would you know that?" Kai asked, stupidly.

"Well." Zane started, chuckling and blushing a bit before continuing. "You pulled me in to cuddle after you fell asleep."
Zane paused again before laughing and asking "How else did you supposed your bed got so cold?"

This confirmed for Zane that he did, in fact, love Kai.

Kai blushed at the response but luckily the food arrived just in time for Zane not to notice.

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