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Son of a......


I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling at it. I should have gotten used to this by now but I hadn't. It was always infuriating being locked up.

I paced around the tiny space of the room  looking for something to throw across the room or break or hit. I found the old wooden chair just seating there and I stormed over to it, grabbed it and flung it across the room.

The tiny broke apart on hiting the wall and fell on the floor, where I noticed a brown bag.

I paused my rage, tilting my head to study the bag. I then made my way to it, crouched down close to it and unzipped it.

I saw books. By books, I meant novels heaped on top of eachother inside the bag. I frowned, taking them out one after the other. They were six books, all romance novels with cheesy names.

I was profoundly shocked at my findings. Did he actually read these?

I dropped them by the side and dipped my hand into the now almost empty bag. The first thing I brought out was my bracelet, the very one he stole from me.

A small smile broke out on my lips as i stared at the beautiful jewelry and I shook my head from side to side. Why did he steal it if he didn't want to sell it? He was so weird. I added it to the pile of books by the side and dipped my hand into the bag again.

I knew I wasn't supposed to be going through other people's stuff but it felt like I was unraveling the mysteries behind my captor so I just couldn't stop myself.

This time it was a chain with a cross pendant. I frowned at it, not understanding why he owned it. I put it aside and dipped my hand again, coming out with a black wooven bracelet that had beads interwoven in it. It was bland but somehow it still managed to look beautiful. Just then, I noticed that the beads had letters written on it so I looked carefully and read it out.

J _ a _ y _ d _ e _ n

Jayden. was that his name? Amazed, I added it to the things I was accumulating on the floor before dipping my hand again. I brought out a picture of a baby.
Again I frowned at it.
Why would he have a picture of a baby?

Then it hit me.

It was him. My mouth fell open in shock. The baby in the picture was extremely cute with full curly hair. I kept admiring the picture until suddenly the door flew open and I shrieked, loosing my balance and landing on my butt.

His eyes landed on me on the floor and for a moment it felt like he was about to make a mockery of me but then his expression changed totally when he noticed the open bag in front of me.

For a weird reason I didn't know, I felt fear slowly creep and settle within me.

"What are you doing" he strode to were i was and grabbed everything on the floor, shoving them back into the bag. 

"Stay the fuck out of my things" his voice was as cold as ice and it definitely froze me up. I looked up at him as he glared dangerously at me. His reaction was totally uncalled for unless...there was something more to it.

He turned around and started walking away, that was when I quickly got up from the floor and called out to him.

"Jayden" he stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around. I saw how his body visibly went rigid. That was all I needed to confirm that it was actually his name. 

Still not turning around, he held the bag tightly in his hand and walked out the door, leaving it open this time. It all made me ponder, why was he so agitated?
It was just a stupid bracelet, irrelevant neck chain, silly picture and an awful collection of dumb romance books.

I slumped down on the bed and crossed my arms.


I then sat on the bed and stated blankly for what felt like hours, till it actually got dark. I was miserable without my phone. I was miserable without my wealth. I was miserable without no maids to command.

Every single moment I stayed silent, my mind deserted me, traveling to places it didn't normally go.

Like how I kept thinking back to when jayden pinned me to the wall and how I saw flashes of his naked body in my head.

I tried to shake the thoughts off but they only kept coming back. I was already getting frightened at how dark it was but then, a light Suddenly Brightens the cabin. I sat up and saw that he had put on the open fire again, sitting down such that, the fire was in between the cabin and him.

I watched him from where I was on the bed, admiring how the fire brightened the surrounding and how it illuminated his face. I bit my lip, thinking whether to go out or not.

I was somewhat frightened of him after how he had reacted earlier but I was also bored out of my mind. And scared of the loneliness.

So I stood up, walked out of the cabin and sat opposite him, letting the fire separate us. I swallowed, trying to decide my words carefully before I spoke.

"I know i was wrong, i shouldn't have gone through your things, I just saw it laying there and I got curious and I.. "

"Are you trying to apologize?" He interrupted my lazy attempt to form words. I pursed my lips and  just stared at him, he stared back at me.

"I... " I couldn't figure out what to say, was I supposed to say I'm sorry?

While I was battling with what to say, I suddenly heard a weird noise behind me that freaked me out and before I could even think twice, I got up and ran towards where he was sitting, holding unto his shoulder for dear life.

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