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At first I was so confused but after I saw him puncture a long stick through the rabbit and watch him roast it in an open fire, I realised what he meant.

He had gathered woods together and made an open fire just in front of the cabin, then he sat and stretched the punctured animal over the fire. I had been cringing through out the process. I couldn't help but feel pity for the animal.

Poor rabbit.

I mean, just watching how the rabbit was killed while finding its own means of living. What a way to go.

I sat opposite him and watched the animal's body turned from fleshy to dried meat.

"Have some" he stretched the stick towards me and I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Trust me, it tastes better than it looks" he tried to convince me but I wasn't having it. He withdrew the stick back and pinched a huge piece of flesh. I watched him as he put it in his mouth and chewed. I waited for any sign of disgust or disapproval from him but instead, he hummed and nodded his head.

My stomach started rumbling. I was hungry but I was definitely not hungry for rabbit.

"You sure you don't want to try this princess? Its pretty yummy plus this is the only food we have" he said and I stared at him with uncertainty.

He then got up from where he was sitting and joined me on the log of wood where I was sitting. He offered it to me again but I just continued to stare at him unsure of how my system would react if I take that in.

He pinched another piece of flesh out of the rabbit and brought it up to my mouth, I leaned away from it, collecting it from his hand. I looked at him one more time as if waiting for approval, when he nodded, I put it in my mouth and shut my eyes as I chewed the piece of dried flesh in my mouth. I was expecting to feel nauseous or irritated or even not like the taste but to my surprise, it actually tasted good. I opened my eyes wide in shock and looked at him.

"I told you it taste better than it looked" he smiled at me. I couldn't agree more and I couldn't believe I was eating a rabbit. It was insane.

"Do you eat this a lot?" I asked.

"You would be surprised" he answered and handed the stick to me. I took it from him and helped myself.

I couldn't believe I was having a peaceful conversation with him. Hell, in the past few days, I had done things I never imagined I would do in my life.

"Just because this tastes good, doesn't mean this is living. Its suffering" I said staring straight at him.

"Well, not every one was born with a silver spoon like you princess" he took the stick from my hand and continued eating.

"Do you actually live here or this is just your kidnapping den?" I asked

"Very funny" he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Where are your parents?"

"Okay you are starting to ask too many fucking questions princess"  he looked like he didn't want to let his guard down at all.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. Just then I remembered that there was an important question I was supposed to ask that I was totally forgetting. His name.

"But you will tell me your name right? Its the least you could do since you kidnapped me" I pointed.

"More reason why I shouldn't tell you" he then smirked, "but I'm flattered that you want to know me"

"I don't usually associate myself with poor people. I just want to know you so once I get out of here, I'll hunt you down" It was a half lie. The former was true but the latter was not.

He smiled a half smile and my attention was directed to his lips when he bit down on it. It was a simple meaningless action but it looked somewhat sexy to me.

"Nice try princess"

"Let me take a look at your leg" he said after we had finished eating our supposed meal.

He scooted close to me, really close to me that his scent immediately invaded my nostrils. It was a nice masculine scent.

He lifted up my gown and bent down a little to inspect my leg, wiping away the dry leaves that easily fell off. I was surprised how my wound had sealed perfectly, leaving just the red scar.

"I can't believe this actually worked" I said honestly.

"Ofcourse it does, I know every single thing about this forest. I have been here for... "

"Your whole life?" I interrupted with a frown. He lifted his head up and looked straight into my eyes for a brief moment before looking down at my leg again.

"I was going to say for a long while" he finished.


"Again with the questions" he finished wiping the dried leaves off my leg and covered my leg with my dress.

"Well if you are keeping me here  you might as well answer my questions" I argued

"I'm not answering anymore questions princess" he stated, standing up to his feet. He slowly and carefully disassembled the woods and quenched the  fire.

"Why?" I stood up too

"Because it's none of your damn buisness" he spat. I crossed my arms over my chest and watched him.

"Its funny how you speak to me, no one ever speaks to me that way. No one" I said.

"It's funny how you keep forgetting that this isn't your castle" he turned around and faced me. "The rules have changed now princess, this is my castle and you will do whatever the fuck I say and you will show some respect"

I laughed a humorless laugh, "respect? With a castle looking like this" I raised my hand, gesturing to the old looking cabin.

I saw him breathe in and out before he suddenly started walking angrily towards me. I backed away fast but with just two strides, he was in front of me. He grabbed me by my hand and pulled me all the way to the cabin.

"What are you doing let go of me" he ignored me and pushed me inside the cabin, slamming the door shut after.

"Hey" I shouted, grabbing the door handle and wiggling it. It was locked.

"Have fun sleeping alone tonight princess" I heard him say and my eyes widened in horror.

"What? I didn't even do anything" I complained, "hey!" I slammed my fist on the door.

I got no answer.


PS : I have no idea how a rabbit tastes, I just imagine it taste good. I mean doesn't all meat taste good?

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