PART : 2 History lesson

Start from the beginning

Why was she feeling so off when she knows that her friends will be there for her?

She sigh as she snuggled up deeply into her bed, her eyes finally feeling tired and worn out, her eye lids slowly shutting close.

Two days later, it's the big day for the whole kingdom of Violera. She, Princess Marie Stars, was going to sit on the throne once and for all to rule over her kingdom with her soon to be found husband. Oh how time flies by so fast.

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Scene 2: A nice talk

"Cheer up Star, I know you'll do well."

"But how are you certain about that?"

"Because we'll be here for you."
A stern, gentle voice came from beside her as she sat on her knees on her bed, her face facing away from her friend as she played with the locks of her light brown hair which hung loosely on her shoulders nervously. Her pink lips pressed into a thin line as a frown emerged on her soft peach face, her eyebrows knitted together as she sat down in thoughts. A sigh came from beside her as she felt a hand was placed ontop of her other hand, giving it a tight, comforting squeeze. Marie turned her head to face a dark grey haired girl, who was smiling at her with a calm, gentle look as she stared into Marie's blue crystal eyes with her light purple crystal like eyes. Marie smiled at her softly, feeling a sudden burst of confidence suddenly erupting from the pit of her stomach, making its way to her brain and her whole body like she was being shocked by electricity.

She felt herself relax as her friend, Shaera, took ahold of her hand and brought it close up to her face, inspecting her nails closely. She let go of her hand as she started getting up to her feet and making her way to one of the drawers not to far away from the bed, opening it up and plunging her hand into it to search for something. She finally found it after some second's while Marie took this chance to start playing with her hair again.

"I'm going to do your nails Marie."
Shaera warned the brunette as she took ahold of her hands once again, bringing it to settle on her lap as she sat beside her friend who looked at her in confusion, her blue eyes wandering over to the brush Shaera was holding with her fingers up in the air as it dangled there.

"But why? Isn't it pretty already?"

"It is Marie. But, I know a colour which might suit you more and make you look dazzling."
Shaera responded to her as she started doing her nails gently, dipping the brush into the small light grey glass botel and place the head of the brush ontop of her nail. As she began doing her nail, Marie was quick to notice the colour she was using, quickly cutting the silence as her eyes widen slightly.

"Wait! But why black?"

Shaera stopped immediately after Marie's sudden outburst, her face turning to face her as one of her eyebrows raised up in confusion, her thin red lips pressing into a line as her purple crystal like eyes stared at her from her position.
"I don't know..?'s nice, maybe?"
Shaera responded almost as she was confused with Marie's sudden change of tone, or just genuinely confused. Marie was quick to flash an response back to her before her friend can continue doing what she was doing before.

"-But I don't want to apply this one! This colour looks..weird, and it makes me look like I'm one of those weird looking girls you would find walking among the thousands of humans in our kingdom dressed up in all black and looking all gothic..a-and-"

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