Chapter 13.

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I got to the bathroom and took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror picking myself apart and starting to feel very uncomfortable in my swim suit so I head out of the bathroom bumping into no one other than stass "oh I'm im sorry I didn't see you there" I said stuttering "I could tell" she said rolling her eyes "I'm gonna go change" I said "yeah you should" she said "what's that supposed to mean?" I asked "you look fat in that swim suit and your not that pretty I'm really surprised Colby even invited you oh wait he didn't you should leave your not wanted here" she said a knot formed in my heart "I'm gonna leave now" I said "yeah bye should have never came in the first place Colby is mine and will forever be mine well at least that's what he told me" she said a tear fell down my cheek I turned around and headed for the stairs to pack my bags I looked out the window at Colby laughing and playing around not a worry in the world about where I am or why I'm taking so long it was way too good to be true why could I have ever thought someone like me could be with someone like him. I finished packing my bags and headed out the front door and started walking where to I have no idea.

Colby's pov:
I can't believe kam is actually here she kind of taking a while I see stass walking out of the house laughing and walking over to kat "did you see kam" I asked her "yeah" she said "okay is she coming back out" I asked "no I don't think so" she said weird why would she not come back out "why did she say something?" I asked "you could say that she was very rude to me" she replied kam being rude doesn't sound right "what did you do" I said getting out of the pool walking inside I walked upstairs I can't find kam anywhere I took my phone out and called her straight to voicemail I looked outside she's sitting on the curb so I head out "kam" I yelled "just leave me alone" she said "what's wrong you just got here talk to me" I said "really what's wrong I mean I can't be totally upset because we aren't dating but I still thought we were with each other" she said crying omg "what did stass say something? I asked "what didn't she say that you two are together and have been since we met and that you told her your hers and that I looked fat in my swim you know what that doesn't matter why if she is your "ex" do you still hang out with her" she said tears falling I can't believe this "you know I really thought we had something amazing going on I thought oh he really likes me but ig im stupid I guess all of this was just a dream I shouldn't have come here" she said my heart dropped "can you let me speak please and explain me and stass aren't together and we haven't been for over a year I like you kam it's you im so happy you are here and the only reason she is here is because of Kat I can't help that im sorry babe please" I said grabbing her hand "you really mean that there is nothing going on between you two?" She asked "I really mean it" I said

Kams pov:
"Im scared" I said " I understand if you want to leave I will totally let you go but kam I swear to you nothing is going on with us I want you" he said "im not going to leave I want to get to know your life out here" I said "yes please I want to share this life with you" he said I looked down "help me with my bags?" I said looking up "of course" he said kissing my forehead " this doesn't mean we don't still need to talk we definitely need to have a deeper conversation about everything" I said so that he knows "yes we will" he said we walked back inside "would you like to hang out in here or go back outside?" I asked "let me take this upstairs and change and we can order some food and chill in the living room for the rest of the night watch a movie and talk" he said grabbing my suitcase I smiled at him as he walked off my smile then faded what if this doesn't work out what if this is still all in my head what if what stass said was true I don't live here I have no idea what's going on while I'm in Kentucky and he's here in LA ugh I hate overthinking "you ready" Colby asked breaking me from my thoughts "um yeah want to go get snacks?" I asked he nodded and grabbed his keys and we headed to the store " we need popcorn, twizzlers, and pizza? I was gonna say pickles but..." i was saying "where are you guys going?" Kat asked walking out of the gate with stass "we are leaving" Colby said "awe kam I thought you were leaving" stass questioned she looked mad "I decided to stay" I said "bye" I said shutting the door as Colby gets in "I can't stand her" I sajd "I know I'm sorry I can't help she follows kat everywhere" Colby said rubbing my thigh as he's driving "I know it just bothers me" I said looking away we arrived to the store and headed inside "we should get some face mask to do" I suggested "we can look" Colby said looking up from his phone he kept getting messages I wonder if it's from stass we walk around and find masks "what about one of these "yeah sure that's fine" he said not even looking up from his phone "ok" I said walking off after throwing them in the buggy I headed for snacks " what kind of snacks do you want besides popcorn?" I asked "whatever's fine" he said still not looking up from his phone "okay" I said walking off but guessing he didn't notice since he didn't follow I grabbed a few more things still no Colby so I walked back to the buggy threw the stuff in still seeing him on his phone "let's go" I said taking the cart from him he looked at me weird and I walked to self checkout I scanned everything and paid pushed the buggy back and headed for the car "sorry if I inconvenienced you" I said being sarcastic "what do you mean?" He said confused "well I don't know we got out of the house to have a little alone time yet you were on your phone the entire time barely answered me I shopped for 20 minutes by myself while you sat in an isle on your phone" I said "I was talking to someone you weren't an inconvenience kam" he said "let's go back to the house" I said I'm so over today I'm ready for bed he sighed and got in the car and we headed back to the house.

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