Chapter 6.

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I woke up around 9 am to everyone still sleeping at some point in the night I guess I let go of Colby's arm because he was turned over I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower changing into some running shorts black body suit and flannel I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast i ended up making pancakes eggs and sausage I set the table and moved the food over there it was 10:30 now  "hey soph breakfast is ready" I said shaking her lightly she got up to go sit at the table after getting bri up "colby" I said shaking him "hmmmm" he said "it's time to get up breakfast is ready" I said "mmm" he said not wanting to get up "colby" I said again shaking him "okay okay I'm getting up" he said I woke Sam up wasn't really hard to get him up we all sat down at the table and started to eat "you know you didn't have to make us breakfast" sam said "hey your my guests and I always make my guests breakfast" I said "well thank you we appreciate it very much" colby said "enjoy" I said I ate all that I could "we are stuffed" bri said "me too feel like I'm gonna explode" colby said "it was really good kam" sam said "thank you I take it all as a compliment" I said laughing me soph and bri all moved the mattress back in the room and I cleaned up breakfast and the living room "need any help?" Colby asked "no I'm just gonna put the dishes in the dish washer and call it a day" I said "thank you though" I winked at him "you should join us tonight all three of you if you don't have anything else going on me and Sam talked and figured why the hell not" colby asked "join you in what?" I asked "our investigation at waverly" he said soph and Bris eyes got so big and shaking their head yes I laughed "why the hell not" I said "what time should we get there?" I asked "um maybe 5 so we can set everything up" Sam said "sounds good to me I have to run a few errands today but shouldn't take too long would you like for me to drive y'all back to your hotel?" I asked "yes please need to change and shower" said Sam "of course let's go" I said we all headed out to my car soph and bri stayed at the house after a quick drive over we arrived Sam got out to go up "sorry to invite you all last minute but I just can't not hang out with you" Colby said holding my hand "well I love hanging out with you too" I said smiling "have you ever done anything like this?" He asked "ehh depends I've done the estes method, dousing rods, and the Ouija board" I said "so you have done some stuff like this" he said "yes but never at the level you guys do" I said "I should probably head in I'll see you later oh and um can I kiss you?" He asked blushing "of course you don't have to ask" I said and he leaned in and gave me a soft kiss nothing too long nothing too intense just a sweet little kiss "bye pretty boy" I said I watched as he walked away what am I getting myself into I mean is he even going to want to continue this thing after he leaves is he still going to want to talk to me or will he just leave me hanging I'm not sure I'm so confused all I know is I really do like him and want to keep getting to know him but I'm scared and with that I drove away to run my errands and head back to the house "you girls almost ready?" I asked " yeah just waiting on you" that said I straightened my hair and did my make up and went to pick out an outfit

I woke up around 9 am to everyone still sleeping at some point in the night I guess I let go of Colby's arm because he was turned over I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower changing into some running shorts black body...

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I threw on some black leggings black cropped top and really oversized jean jacket with platform converse shoes I can get dirty it was 4 "we ready" I asked grabbing an energy drink out of the fridge knowing we would be there all night long but hopefully we get food because I'm starving and haven't eaten since this morning "lets roll girls" I said and headed out the door and headed there we arrived and the guard let us through we parked but I didn't see Sam or Colby's car so I got out of the car so did soph and bri and we took some pictures so cute "kam I dare you to shotgun that energy drink" bri said laughing "omg really I completely forgot I brought that" I said laughing the boys finally arrived as soph is handing me the energy drink

Colby's pov:

Me and Sam pull in to see kam, soph and bri standing outside the car and I see kam shot gunning omg how freaking hot can she get she finished and got all excited jumping up and down "did you see that" kam asked as we got out of the car "yeah we did" I said laughing "you guys ready?" Sam asked "sure" soph said they all helped carry in our equipment loved having the help it can be a lot to carry we started setting everything up "hey can we talk?" I asked kam "yeah sure let's walk out really quick I need some air" she said we walked outside "how are you feeling about tonight" I asked her "nervous but mostly fine" she said "well if you need us to stop if you need anything you soph or bri let us know don't hesitate either" I said "we won't" she said smiling I pulled her into a hug "I just want you all to be safe and feel okay inside" I said "I know and we will we have the best of the best" she said that made me smile she really thought the world of us.

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