Chapter 1.

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It's just a another random day working here at walgreens I was closing tonight so the day was kind of dragging slowly by i was ringing people up at the register and the next customer they looked familiar but I had never met them but then I noticed they are my favorite YouTubers omg you have to be shitting me rn I'm not going to freak out tho I'm going to remain cool seeing as my boss is just across the way.

"Hello how are you all doing tonight" I said
" we are having an amazing day" colby replied ughh omg his voice

"This all for you?" I questioned it consisted of snacks and drinks

"Yes" they both said I giggled they both smiled I finished ringing them out but before they walked off

"Hey do you care if I get a picture with you guys I'm really big fan of you all but can we do it outside because I would like to not get fired and if they see this they will consider me an unfit manager" I said quickly but in a whisper tone

"Yes of course" they both laughed

"Let me grab someone to cover and I'll meet you out there" I said smiling I went over to get someone to cover

Colby's pov:
Me and Sam stopped at this little Walgreens in kentucky seeing as we were doing a video there but we need some fuel snacks and what not so we went shopping we didn't really get recognized in the store and we finished shopping quicker than normal we headed towards the check out line and I see this beautiful girl behind the counter "Sam bro she is so hot" I whispered so no one would really here us "get her number" he said "you'd think she would give it to me" I asked "dude your Colby freaking Brock I'm sure she would give it to you" he said "yeah but she might not know who we are and k don't want to make things awkward" I said "dude what would be awkward is if she wasn't of age" he said laughing she glanced back at us it was finally our turn
"Hey how are you all doing" she asked "we are having a really good day" I replied she sooo pretty omg "this all for you" she asked "yes" we both answered she laughed she has a cute laugh she finished the transaction and I still haven't asked for her number she stopped us before we walked off "hey do you mind if I take a picture with you guys? I am a big fan but can we take it outside so I don't get fired just because my boss is right across the way" she says quickly in a whisper "of course" I say a little too fast "let me grab someone to cover I will be out in a second but if you all can't wait I completely understand you are busy peoples" she said with a cute smile "we will be out there take your time" Sam said we walked out "bows your chance brother you better get her number" Sam said

Kams pov:
I found someone to cover hopefully they haven't left yet I walk outside "omg you all waited" I said surprised "yes of course you did ask nicely and didn't bombard us or freak out" colby said with a smile I love his smile "we can take a selfie and individual pictures if that's okay" I asked "well yeah it's okay we'd love that" Sam said they are being really nice we took the selfie and now it was time for individuals and tbh colby is my favorite I have always had the biggest crush on him "colby would you like to go first" Sam asked "yes yes I would" he said Sam took my phone to take a picture I was kind of being bold "you're my favorite" I whispered in his ear he looked at me with those bright blue eyes smiling "your my favorite too" he said omg favorite what could he mean by that he doesn't know me "sams turn" I said blushing "you and Colby would be cute" Sam whispered in my ear hmm me and Colby could never possibly happen "yeah I'm sure he could find someone ten times better looking someone skinnier than me and someone who doesn't work at Walgreens" I said "he's far from someone who act like that give him some credit" Sam said we took the picture and it felt weird for him to say that and now I'm going to think about it all night Colby handed me my phone back while Sam walked to their car "here's your phone back I um put my number in your phone" colby said "what you did why?" I asked "well I thought you were really cute and was gonna ask for your number but I was kind of awkward" he said "well I can give you my number" I said "I also already texted myself" he said I laughed "okay well thank you guys for the pictures I really appreciate it" I said "well we loved doing it" he said giving me a hug OMGGGG my crush my celebrity crush is hugging me he smells so good "come back and see me!!" I said "will do" he said letting go flashing me a smile.

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