Chapter 2.

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I walk back inside and I look at my phone a text from Colby came in "hey beautiful" it said I can't even believe it right now so I texted him back "hey hot stuff" I said I took over the register a few hours goes by it's 11:30 but no text back but I don't know why I expected to he's a famous YouTuber and I'm a Walgreens employee my phone dinged and it was a text from him "hey im sorry I meant to text you back but me and Sam got super busy" he texted "you do not have to apologize to me of all people" I said back "why not?" He asked "well because you are you and im me" I say now he is replying back really fast "im gonna pretend you didn't say that im a normal person just like you and would love to get to know you better" he texted " well that would be nice" I said "I would love to get to know you other than in your videos" I texted I can't believe I just double texted "good I hate to stop talking now but I need to get back I promise I will either talk to you later or tomorrow" he replied it's now midnight time to close and go home thank god I never really fall asleep until 3 am maybe 4 if I'm lucky so if he does text back then I'll be up hehe I get home take a shower make dinner since I don't typically eat at work I made some noodles on the stove it's about 1:30 and I get a ding who knew I could love that sound it's a text from him "hey you still awake?" He asked "yes I am making dinner right now" I said "ooo dinner this late" he said "yeah don't make fun I don't usually eat while I'm at work just never really hungry" I say "well what you making" he said "some noodles" i say it's so weird to have a normal conversation with him "sounds amazing" he said "how long are you all in town" I asked "a week" he said I'm off majority of this week maybe he would want to do something tomorrow is Friday and I'm off wonder if the spooky men would like to go to a haunted house with me and my sisters "what are you all doing tomorrow?" I asked "what time?" He replied "probably around 9 pm" I say "I don't think we had anything planned for tomorrow since we got here early" he said "well would you like to accompany me and my sisters to a haunted house?" I asked "let me talk to Sam really quick" he said omg what if he actually says yes "of course take your time" I said "Sam is down we will be there" he said omg I think I'm gonna die "I can drive if you and Sam would like to meet at my apartment and we can leave from here" I replied "sounds amazing" he said "well I am about to head to bed" I said "okay yeah me and Sam are just going to hang a little, goodnight beautiful hope you sleep good" he said I can't believe he just called me beautiful I'm fangirling so hard "goodnight 🤍" I said and went to bed.

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