Chapter 8.

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Colby's pov:
We finally reached outside and I sat kam down on the ground and we all sat around and with her "hey can we talk for a second?" Sam asked "yeah" I said waking away to talk "we need to see if we can interview her with what happened" Sam said I can not ask her that right this second "when she calms down and seems like she is ready I'll ask her" I said not wanting to risk he being mad at me for an interview we walked back over to kam seeing that she stopped crying and calmed down I went and sat down next to her "can you all give us a moment" I asked everyone we also had two other investigators with us I forgot to mention they have been here multiple times and they all agreed and walked away I looked back at kam "how are you feeling" I asked "um very confused as to why that had to happen to me" she said very distraught "do you want to talk about what happened?" I asked her unsure "yes I definitely do because it feels so unreal but it felt really real and I just can't explain it I have never experienced that before and like I've had ghost experiences before but never this intense" she said scared "I'm so sorry I feel like this is my fault I invited you and then something bad happens I'm so sorry" I said "do not blame yourself I am the one that chose to come and I would have called it bad but definitely unusual and frightening but I wasn't hurt more so just made aware of things that happened" she said what could she be talking about now she's scaring me could this be the most paranormal things we caught on camera I guess we will find out.

Kams pov:
What just happened something I can't even explain "hey can you give me a second I need to call my mom" I asked "of course take your time I'll be over there if you need me" Colby said with a soft smile I quickly called my mom and told her my experience and what all happened but I walked somewhere no one could here me "well sweetie you always knew you were an empath and that you could feel things like this it used to happen all the time when you were younger and it seems like whoever Mary was needed you to be the one to tell her story since she never could" she said "your right mom it's just scary and weird why me of all people who come through here why me" I said "she was waiting for the right person and the right person is you" she said which is scary to think about "thank you for talking to me I love you and will call later" I said hanging up the phone I walked over to Sam and the two other investigators Colby standing away with soph and bri "hey Sam I'm ready to talk about what happened if you're ready" I said "you want to do an interview?" Sam said "yes this needs to be heard" I said soph and bri looked at me and so did Colby "you don't have to do this if you don't want to kam" soph said "I need to do this I talked to mom and she made me see that I need to tell this persons story because I just lived it" I said they all gave me horrified expressions we sat down with the camera propped up to where everyone was in frame "okay when I tell you what happened I promise im not lying and im telling the full truth I swear on everything I own and that im not entirely sure what happened and hopefully after telling you all I will" I said "we are ready when you are" Colby said reassuring me "okay so it started when Colby left to do his part of the challenge I heard whispers that's when I asked soph and bri if it was them but the said it wasn't so a few minutes go by and I hear it again but this time clearer and it was my name it freaked me out but trying to find out where it came from I turned and looked down the corridor behind all of us and there was a little boy standing in the middle of the hall and when we made eye contact he ran into a room that when I walked away because he looked so real I walked to the room and walked in to him standing in the middle of the room and he held out his hand my instinct was to grab his hand" I was saying "wait you grabbed his hand?" Sam asked with a terrified look "yes I was able to grab his hand and when I did he led me to the stairs and at the top there was this nurse but she called me ms.mary" I said "wait like nurse mary" Colby asked "at first I wasn't sure until when I got up the stairs to follow her everything was fixed no marks on the wall everything was clean and brand new and we make it to the fourth floor and I saw all these nurses and patients and it was like I went back in time and I noticed a doctor and he felt familiar his presence but I had no clue who he was until the nurse I had followed led me to an operation room" I said "omg I am at a loss for words" one of the other investigators said "that's not all when she led me into this operation room they immediately strapped me to the table and um well" I started getting choked up "your being for real" soph said Colby got up and sat next to me taking his hand in mine "they performed the abortion it felt so real even tho I'm fine it felt like it was actually happening and when I was done they" I stopped to catch my breath "your doing so good kam" Sam said sympathetically "they took me upstairs" I started sobbing "and they left me sitting up there in that room and said the doctor would be here in a moment and I noticed there was no one else on the floor no kids no nurses no anybody and it was strange and two doctors not just one grabbed me and" I said I'm disbelief as I'm telling them these things "they hung me well not me but after that it's like I was snapped out of what was going on and I'm assuming that's been you all found me on the floor" I said "what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK omg are you serious" they said "that's fucking crazy like this feels like a whole new empath we have connected with Mary felt you were the one that needed to tell her story she wanted people to know what happened maybe now she will be able to move on and enjoy this after life" one of the other investigators said "it is just crazy and I feel weird like something new was unlocked" I said calming down after getting that story over with sam and Colby went over and grabbed the camera "okay everybody it is 4:30 in the morning we will have a debriefing in another video but for now we are going to get cleaned up and head out it" they continued finishing their video up I'm ready to go home and sleep this off and that is if I would be able too we gathered everything and walked outside "I'm gonna take the girls back to my moms but I will text you when I get home if your not asleep" I said "of course please do text me when you get back but before you do go since me and Sam have a few more days here I was going to see if you would like to go on a date with me?" He asked "of course" I said smiling "how about 6 pm and we can decide what we do from there" he said "sounds good see you then" I said giving him a hug as he kissed my forehead we went out separate ways.

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