Fighting the internal pressure, she instinctively clung to her mother's arm and gently squeezed it. In a hushed tone, she said, "Eomma, I think I need to pee."

Jennie, ever the protective older sister, caught wind of Dahyun's dilemma and chimed in, "Want me to come with you?"

"No, eonni. I can manage on my own."

"But do you even know where the restroom is?"

"I'll just ask for directions, eonni. You go ahead with eomma and appa. I'll catch up with you later," Dahyun replied, a determined glint in her eyes. She recognized the necessity of this solo mission, a chance to gather herself so as not to risk any embarrassment at the table, especially in front of Taehyung.

"Alright, as you wish," Jennie acquiesced, giving her sister a supportive smile before joining their parents, leaving Dahyun to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of the restaurant in pursuit of the comfortable restroom.

Dahyun gently released her grip on her mom, bidding them a brief farewell with a reassuring smile, expressing confidence in her ability to navigate the situation.

She approached one of the waiters she had spotted on her way, politely inquiring about the restroom's location. Following the given directions, she soon found herself crossing the threshold into the restroom. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she noted only a few other women inside, absorbed in mirror-facing rituals. Navigating through the subtle bustle, Dahyun made her way to the furthest cubicle.

Seated, her mind couldn't help but wander into a realm of possibilities for the evening. Amidst the soft hum of the restroom's exhaust fan, she contemplated how the night might unfold. Thoughts danced through her mind, pondering the enigma of Taehyung's behavior outside of his usual office setting.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dahyun rose from her seat and approached the mirror to assess herself. The surface reflected a face adorned with makeup meticulously applied by Jennie. Despite the makeup, Dahyun's features retained a soft and natural allure. She found herself contemplating whether Taehyung would appreciate this elegant look or if he preferred a more understated, bare-faced charm.

With composure, Dahyun left the restroom, only to be met with an unexpected sight – a familiar group of people, dressed to the nines, walking at the hall.

"JK?" Dahyun murmured to herself, her eyes locking onto a familiar figure in a suit, a few steps behind the others. Uncertain at first, she squinted to confirm her suspicions. Once the realization dawned that it was indeed her friend, she couldn't contain her excitement. Calling out with a mix of surprise and joy, she raised her voice, "JK!" Her greeting accompanied by a shy wave.

"Dahyun-ssi?" Jungkook's eyes lit up as he spotted her, a spark of delight cutting through what had seemed like a mundane evening. Boredom had begun to settle upon him, but with the appearance of a familiar face, a wave of relief washed over him. Slightly puzzled, he couldn't fathom why she happened to be at the same restaurant as them. "What brings you here?" he inquired, his gaze gracefully traveling from her head to toe as he took a moment to appreciate her attire. "Is it a date?" he playfully teased, the corners of his lips curling into a mischievous grin. In response, Dahyun delivered a playful whack, and he winced, exaggerating the pain as he theatrically caressed the spot where she hit him.

Hearing the commotion, Mrs. Jeon, Jungkook's mother, turned her attention to the source of teaseful banter.

"My daughter! How have you been? It's been far too long!" Mrs. Jeon, a wellspring of genuine excitement, gracefully made her way toward Dahyun. With arms wide open, she enveloped Dahyun in a warm, tight hug, expressing the depth of her joy at the reunion. The hug served as a testament to the genuine affection she held for Dahyun, whom she treats as her own child.

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