Chapter 1

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Skylor had texted Kai that she needed to meet with him about something important so, Kai being Kai, he assumes there's some low-life thugs in downtown Ninjago that she needs help with.


"Ah hello, Skylor." Zane said calmly.

"Nice to see you too, Zane." The red-haired woman replied.

"Please, come in." Zane said, motioning his hands towards the living room.

Skylor walked in, taking a seat on the couch as Zane walked over to the kitchen to prepare dinner.


A few minutes went by before Kai walked into the living room because he had decided to put on his ninja gi "just incase", Kai is always looking for some sort of trouble. How else would he be able to release all his pent-up aggression and feelings?


"Hey there, hot stuff." Kai said, smirking and snapping his fingers and making finger guns, pointing them at Skylor.

"Kai." Skylor rolled her eyes before stating "We need to talk."

Kai looked a bit addled and anxious, he thought he'd have to fight some bad guys, not have a conversation. He found conversations, especially 'important' ones anxiety inducing.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked, looking frankly confused.

Skylor took a deep breath and sighed, she had a certain look of guilt and regret mixed with sadness on her face. A look that Kai tried to ignore.

"Did someone rob your noodles shop?" He asked, almost hoping the answer would be a "yes.".

"No, nothing like that." Skylor responded.

"Oh." Kai stated, pausing for a moment, hesitating and looking around the room before continuing "That's boring." he stated.

Skylor took a deep breath. "It's about something else."

Kai, trying not to sound nervous, asked "So, what is it then?"

"Well..." Skylor was about to say something before she got interrupted by Kai.

"Did you wanna go on a date?" He asked, trying to change the subject and avoid the conversation.

Zane, overhearing from the kitchen responded "I would not advise that, I am currently making dinner." There was something in his semi-robotic voice that made him sound... upset? Perhaps a little jealous? He knew he felt a tinge of jealousy but he was unsure as to why, he only knew it happened when Kai asked that question to Skylor.

"About that, Kai" Skylor said before another delay by the fire master.

"Where to?" He asked, disregarding what Zane had said previously about making dinner.

"Kai, listen to me." Skylor said, understanding Kai's avoidant tendencies but still visibly fed up.

She took another deep breath before continuing on "Listen, Kai, I don't think this is working."

"...What?" Kai said gloomily, looking confused and upset, he wished she'd've pulled something, anything, out of her pocket.

"What's not working?" He asked, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was, yet still holding back his tears.

Zane overheard so he walked over to try and comfort Kai.

"I'm sorry Kai." Skylor stated with a somber look on her face.

"I-" Kai tried to choke back the tears, he couldn't hold them any longer but hated when other people saw him cry.

He had to get out of there.

He ran to his room, tears streaming down his face, locked the door and curled up into his blanket.

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