KF phased through the wall, and still didn't realize this monuments occasion yet, despite phasing through the glass like 50 times already, because he was focused on getting to Robin.

He walked into a hallway and saw Robin giggling in that way that filled his chest with butterflies and made him feel like he was about to start floating towards his beloved like a character in a cartoon towards a sweet cherry pie.

"Hehehe! It'll be so funny when they walk into this tape for April fools! In a fun way!"

Sometimes, the bird was too innocent for his own good.

"Friend Robin!" Starfire floated into the room, unknowingly being greeted by a blazing glare from KF.

"Yeah Star?" Robin responded. (Almost alliteration.)



"Yeah Cyborg? Oh, and BB, don't call me that."

"Dude! That's not important right now, it's your parents!"

His pretty songbird seemed to get excited, too trusting and hopeful.

"Yeah man! Follow us!"

"Mami! Tati! Your son is coming home!"

KF was really glad he learned Romani in secret.

KF began to turn around so as to give Robin privacy from what would be a more private moment.

Until he heard a strangled cry from behind him.

He didn't immediately run over, because what if he accidentally triggered something?!

He could hurt his songbird!

But he did turn around at superspeed.

When he saw his Birdy suspended in the air by long straps of tape.

Before the other Titans could get their sadistic kick at the sight, he swept up Robin into his arms and sped off, but quickly returning to absolutely coat every entrance and exit around those three Titans, then picking them up and suspending them in the air so that they would get caught in the tape.

He phased back through the tape and returned quickly to his Birdy, who he had left in his room at the Titans east's Tower.

The Bird was staring at his hologlove that he had hidden within his new costume and was accessing the security cameras in the Tower.

He was still depressed, but he didn't bother to hide the snort that left his mouth-

(The same mouth that KF constantly wanted to ravage.

Okay I'll shut up now.)

-and KF was glad that he could have at least a chance at cheering up his future husband.

('Dear future husband,
Here's a few things that you should know 🎵-'

Okay, now I'll shut up.)

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