Chapter 8

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Jeremy took a good look at Rosebud and got an idea.

"What are you thinking, dude?" said Mudbud.

"Rosebud? Would you mind coming with me?" said Jeremy.

"Where to?" said Rosebud.

"I have a friend just downstairs who isn't doing so well. I thought she might like to see a sweet little pup" said Jeremy.

"Yo. What about the rest of us?" said B-Dawg.

"Five might be a bit much for her. Just behave yourselves" said Jeremy.

"Certainly, kind sir. While you're gone, I shall balance my chi. Ohm..." said Buddha.

Jeremy led Rosebud downstairs to Paul's apartment.

"Will your friend be in?" said Rosebud.

"Yes; she's in bed, I fancy. Her husband's probably working" said Jeremy.

He knocked on the door three times. "Jill?" he said in between knocks.

"Come in!" said Jill's voice from within. 

Jeremy came in and found Jill reading in bed. 

"Hullo, luv; how are you feeling?" he said.

"Hullo, Jeremy. I s'pose I'm feeling better than I would if I were at work. It's just a pity that I can't be at Andy's hen party" said Jill.

"That's why I came. I thought you might need some cheering up" said Jeremy.

"Do I ever. At this point, at least" said Jill. "What have you got?"

Jeremy grinned and lifted Rosebud onto the bed. 

The pup crawled over to Jill and nuzzled against her side.

"Oh..." Jill whispered.

"This is Rosebud. I figured she'd make you smile" said Jeremy.

"She is. Where did she come from?" said Jill.

"I dunno; I just found her. All I knew was that when I saw her, I thought you'd like her" said Jeremy.

"It's lovely to meet you, Miss Jill" said Rosebud.

Jill gasped. "You speak."

"Yes I do. And your pretty looks are so to die for" said Rosebud.

Jill laughed. "Thank you."

Rosebud turned her head, then put her paw on Jill's pregnant belly. 

"She's pregnant, little luv" said Jeremy.

"She is?" said Rosebud.

"Yes. Just a couple more months and I'll have a little one" said Jill.

"But the baby is making you sick?" said Rosebud.

"Not exactly. It's that I have a very active profession. The doctor told me to stay in bed to keep my baby safe" said Jill.

"That's good" said Rosebud.

Jill was still petting the puppy's head. "Oh, Jeremy, she's the sweetest little pup I've ever met."

"There's actually more where she came from. I just thought it'd be too much for you to meet those brothers of hers" said Jeremy.

"Boys" Rosebud sighed.

"And speaking of, we should get back to them before they cause trouble" said Jeremy.

Jill kissed Rosebud's head, then let her lick her cheek. 

"You're a lovely dog, Rosebud. I hope we can meet again sometime" said Jill.

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