Chapter 4: Madness

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J'onn sits on the throne of Nocturna his daughter stands beside him, Arkillo, Atomica , and Hannibal walk into the Cathedral, Arkillo, and Atomica are holding hands and this visually displeases J'onn,

Arkillo "So this is the legendary Nocturna, bigger than expected."

J'onn "I've made some plans, you and Kori, the new generals of the empire!"

Atomica "Thank you J'onn, we will never let you down."


Ma' alefa'ak "that's the story, of the Rann revolution, what happens next is, very. Disturbing."

3 months after the start of the new empire, M'gann M'orzz ran down the hallway of the cathedral in fear, away from her father, into the general's chambers, she busts into the room, dressed in bed attire, in shock at what has happened, Arkillo and Atomica are committing to there recent act of marriage, once they notice M'gann enter their room, they immediately stop, and see what's wrong with  M'gann.
She tells the generals how her father has gone mad, and attacked her, just then J'onn walks into the room with burning red eyes, Arkillo grabs M'gann and shoves her behind Atomica, Arkillo charges J'onn, but J'onn phases his body, and Arkillo ran into the wall behind them, J'onn turned around and pins Arkillo to the wall, his eyes glow more red than usual, Bright red beams come out of J'onns skull, and melts straight through Arkillos reptilian head, Atomica screams in fear and fury and blasts J'onn away from Her husbands now dead body, She grabs him and sobs, J'onn warps his hand and grabs her by the neck and lifts  Atomica up, restraining her hands in the process, J'onn expressed his love to Atomica, She called him a monster, this infuriates J'onn even more than he already was, J'onn begins to constrict Atomicas throat until she is dead, her body drops to the floor.


Ma' alefa'ak " M'gann would not speak of the remainder of that night, it's only a thought of what traumatizing thing she saw her father do on that dreadful night, now he is on the run. Me and Hannibal are building a team to track him down and take him out for good."

Sinestro "I'll take any day to take down a murderous Martian."

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