1 - A Christmassy Life

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Snow, the perfect white backdrop for a story, was falling. It fell from the sky with the same silent grace as it formed on the ground. It covered everything in a soft blanket. The cold that came with it made sure not to disturb any of the fairy-tale perfection of the world.

Not a sound could be heard as the white fluff landed on the nothingness of the Arctic landscape. There were no birds or animals. There was no wind, no sign of life. Only a frozen terrain, a frigid sea, and falling snow.

But if you listened carefully, you could hear it.

The faint vibrations echo from the ground below, the slight tremor of the land, the rhythmic beat that could only come from the syncopated taps of many little tools.

Deep below, a whole kingdom of workers toiled away in what only could be called a utopia. Their lives were a paradise, filled with all the joy and happiness one could hope for. Right underneath the North Pole, a world existed, hidden from the prying eyes of the surface.

They were a merry group, a race of happy elves who were busy constructing the next shipment of toys. Each of them was dressed in bright colours and they wore the same wide smile on their face. The air was filled with the smell of freshly baked gingerbread and cinnamon, a scent that could only be described as 'Christmassy'.

It was a sight to behold, an image that could only come from a storybook. The elves were working tirelessly, their arms and hands moving without a pause, creating a constant hum that echoed through the cave-like halls. They seemed to enjoy their work, singing and dancing as they constructed the newest toy orders.

But despite the jolly nature of the whole scene, two beings stood apart. One was a large muscular man whereas the other was a slender woman. Both were standing atop a wooden platform, watching over the other elves with a sparkle in their eyes.

The woman was clad in a dark red dress that shimmered with gold. She wore a playful smile on her face, her beauty quite evident. Her long, blonde hair was flowing down her back like a waterfall, and her skin was almost as pale as the snow outside. She embodied the role of Mrs. Claus perfectly.

The man beside her, Santa Claus himself, was tall and imposing. He was dressed in his usual red suit, with a fluffy white trim around the edges. His beard was a thick, white forest that matched his hair and his belly was unlike anything you would usually expect; he was buff! He had muscles and abs. It was clear that he worked out.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it, my dear Christina?" Santa Claus asked his wife, inhaling the sweet scents of the workshop.

Mrs. Claus nodded, "It is, dear. I love seeing the elves so happy and excited for Christmas."

"I know what you mean," he said, giving her a loving look. "I'm just glad we can provide them with such a wonderful place to work."

The two smiled at each other as they raised the hot cocoa they were holding to their lips. Both of them sipped on their mugs, enjoying the warmth and sweetness. It was the perfect blend of chocolate and cream, with a hint of cinnamon and vanilla.

"You're right, dear," she agreed, studying her beverage. "And, soon it will be that time for you to travel around the world, delivering toys and spreading happiness. How are you feeling about this year's round of deliveries?"

Santa Claus sighed, "I'm worried, Christina. The list of children is diminishing, and the world seems to have grown darker than ever. I fear the days of bringing happiness to children are numbered. And what will happen then? If the happiness Christmas provides disappears, what will become of us? What will become of the world?"

"I know, dear," she said softly, placing her drink down. She put her hand on her husband's arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "But there is always hope. We must not give up, no matter what."

The Impeccable Lady ClausOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant