I learned how to use the tv that day. I also was able to explore the house including the garage. But after a while I got board and turned on the tv. It was still on a kids show, but it was interesting. The people on the show would actually look right at me and want me to join in on what they were doing. I had nothing better to do so when the dog on the screen wanted me to stand up and wiggle around with him, I decided to try it. He called it dancing and it was kinda fun. I was smiling and putting one foot in, then take one foot out, then put one foot in and wiggle it all about. I guess this dance was called the hooky poky? Or something like that. And at the end of every song we were supposed to land on our butts and clap for everyone else and our selves. I thought that was a little strange because others couldn't hear or see me. But I did it anyway. By the end of the first song and dance I was smiling and laughing.

    I kept watching the tv and doing what they said to do. I really liked this thing, but after a while, I started getting tired. And that's when another cartoon came on. At least at first I thought it was. But when I saw a lady sitting by a fire with a book in her hands, I knew it wasn't. This lady seemed really calm and quiet. She said that it was story and relax time. She had me get comfortable so she could read me a story. I ran and got my bear like she suggested. I got up on the couch and grabbed the blanket off the back of it. Another suggestion from her. I laid my head down and listened to her as she read the story also like she suggested. I never got to the end of the story. I passed out and was woken up by Papa Bear for lunch.

    At first I was confused. He had picked me up and I didn't wake up until I was already in his arms. He was rubbing my back and bouncing me a little. I was quite comfortable and it was hard for me to wake up. He had already made lunch and everything before he woke me up. I was a little embarrassed about taking a nap in the middle of the day. But he said it was Okay for me because I was still healing and I needed the extra sleep to heal. During lunch he kept looking at me and smiling. But every time I looked at him he tried to hide it. I knew what he was thinking and I just huffed at him. I was just tired because I was doing all that dancing with the tv people is all. If I wasn't doing that, I could have stayed awake. I could have.

    He still had lots of work to do today, but he wanted me to "get some fresh air" also. So after lunch he changed not only my diaper, but my clothes too. I got to wear my new shoes and those bear socks he liked. He grabbed some stuff from his office on the way as he took us out back. He was just as surprised as I was when we stepped out the back door. He shook his head and mumbled, "Damed wolves" while shaking his head. He sat his work down but not me. He sat in a chair with me on his lap. I was trying to look at everything that was back here. It was all colorful and new to me. "Okay, here's the deal. Please don't go past the fences on ether side. Past my fences are those werewolves. They won't hurt you. But I was thinking that you would be more comfortable without your socks and shoes for now." I nodded to him and he took my socks and shoes off. He had a bottle for me and sat it on the table next to him. Then he set me on my feet in what looked like new grass.

    The whole place looked brand new. The fences he was talking about smelt like paint. They went from the sides of his house straight out. But the back was forest instead of fence. And if I walked out there without shoes on, I knew my feet would be hurting. I was not interested in out there. I was more interested in the things that were my size out here. Toys, that's what they were called. I was looking at toys that were meant for children to play on. Swings, slides, a rope net the I could climb. There was even a fort at the top. There was a lot more, toys all around the yard too. Some were smaller and made out of plastic for younger children like babies. But most were bigger ones for kids that looked my size.

    I was walking around looking at all this stuff for maybe ten minutes before I saw three wolves stop just past the grass. Two were big and one was small. The big ones sat down but the small one walked slowly through the yard. That one was carrying a small bag between his teeth. It walked right up to Papa Bear and sat in front of him. It put the bag at his feet and tilted it's head like he was asking him something. Papa Bear opened the bag and looked inside. Then he looked at me. I could see he was hesitant to ask, but he did anyway. "Would you mind having a friend over? You two boy could play together out here. He's eight years old and about your size." I looked at the wolf and he looked a little scared himself. He kept looking at the other two wolves like he just wanted to leave. I nodded then looked at the little wolf. He looked a little upset that I said yes. He hung his head as Papa Bear walked him inside.

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