15. His Death.

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Paps Bear's POV

Wolves and there crap annoyed me a lot. Almost all bubbly most of the time. But they are some really good fighters. And they knew a lot more then I did about a lot of things. But did they really have to cling to me and my... to me and Kennith like this? Needless to say I was happy when they left. I was able to take him up and help give him a bath. Now that he was talking a little more to me I was able to find out that he really wasn't a little kid. But he was most likely a Little or something like that. He was copping with a lot of things that I had no clue about yet. I was just hoping that he would trust me enough to tell me about all that he has gone through. Part of me really wanted to hunt down everyone that has heart him. Another part of me wanted to keep him here and never let him go. He reminded me of my own baby that I lost so many years ago. And my protective instincts were really kicking in now. But we agreed not to talk about it for a week. But I was going to keep a close eye on him to see if he was this Little thing or not.

After his bath I took him to my room to rub him down like I was told to. He seemed really relaxed this time. I was as gentle as I could be. But even so, there were three spots where he always twitch when I touched there. Both lower arms and the lower part of one of his legs. I knew about braking people, and these spots were some of the places I would brake. But he seemed to walk okay. And he was using his arms just fine. But now I wondered if he had broken these bones and they just never healed right. That's when I told him I was going to be setting him up an appointment with Sam tomorrow. He agreed and I got hem the rest of the way ready for bed.

Something those wolves are really good at is raising kids, or pups. The changing table they had gotten for Kennith was big enough for him. But not to big for his room. He had slept in this morning and I had already gotten thins set up before I went to wake him up. I has stripped him and was changing his diaper when he finally woke up. He almost fell of the table when I put my hand on his tummy and said. "It's okay buddy, I got you. I'm just changing your diaper right now. Kennith, calm down and relax a little. Can you do that for me?" He was panicking and I thought twice about doing this again. That is until he looked at me and almost immediately calmed down. I had his pacifier just above him knowing that he liked it. I put it to his lips and he started sucking on it right away. He was playing with it while I finished. After getting him dressed in that teddy bear suit I said "Now come here baby bear." I guess I shouldn't have done that. He glared at me. That is until he saw what he looked like and he laughed. I was about to apologize, but he put his hand to my mouth, smiled behind his pacifier and nodded. I sighed with relief that he wasn't mad at me. I mean, he did look like a baby bear. Maybe if I called him a teddy bear it might have been better.

I walked us downstairs and strapped him into his highchair. I quickly grabbed a bottle for him setting it on his tray. He started drinking it while I finished breakfast for us. "So how's your throat doing today?" I asked as I sat down. "You talked a lot more yesterday and I was surprised you didn't have a coughing fit again. I know you were trying to whisper most of the time so you wouldn't. But I'm still worried about that." He put his hand up and wiggled it from side to side, doing the so, so motion. "Okay. If it gets any worse I have the throat spray for you. But I want you to keep a bottle with you at all times today. When it gets low let me know and I'll refill it for you. You just let me know if you want it warm or cold. Point up for hot and down for cold. That way you won't need to talk if you're hurting at the time." He nodded and we kept eating.

After breakfast was done I showed him how to use the remote for the tv. I also told him he could explore the house. "Just don't go outside please. I want you to have shoes and a coat on if you do. And I would like to be there just in case." He agreed to that and I told him I needed to get some work done in my office. "But if you need anything, let me know. I don't mind being . It makes me take brakes." He nodded to me and we went our separate ways.

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